Saturday, April 03, 2004

an▪i▪mal: n : a lower animal as distinguished from human beings

The author of the 3rd cent's sister blog has repeatedly described Muslims, Iraqis and terrorists as animals. When we respond to his bigoted statements by affirming equal protection and due process for all people, his response is “Bulls--t.” What an educated and civil discourse.

The predominant guiding principal of the United States is freedom of speech and assembly everywhere, equal protection under the law for everyone and due process for any charge. No one has the authority to selectively enforce these principals or apply them to certain individuals.

Liberals do not support terrorists in any way, shape or form. We do, however, believe they are entitled to every right all other human beings are protected by. Human rights do not only apply to those who share your value or faith system. Prohibiting certain rights to accused or convicted terrorists makes the United States no better than the nations or organizations that harbor those terrorists.

Conservatives who oppose due process and believe terrorists are exempt from human rights protection do think that rapists, murderers or drug users have rights. Those individuals’ victims do not have a say in their endangerment. Treating terrorists differently is socially endorsed racism. We have progressed from treating black men more harshly than white men to treating Muslims and Arabs more harshly.

Those of you who adamantly support the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance should pay attention to the rest of the pledge; the original pledge; the pledge that’s been around longer than the 1950’s. The last phrase is “with Liberty and Justice for all.” It’s not a cliché; it’s the fundamental position of the United States. To support the denial of rights to terrorists is as un-American as taking up arms against America.


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