Conservative Republicans: Proudly taking the low road since 1854
I was planning on addressing the necessity and goodness of the United Nations today, but I feel it is important to combat the thoroughly disgusting post made in my "sister" blog My 2 Cents yesterday. I'll have the U.N. for you tomorrow.
Are they Animals?
So let me get this straight...the author of My 2 Cents, as a compassionate conservative, supports President Bush when Bush said he believes the brown-skinned Iraqis animals can govern themselves, but then believes the U.S. shouldn't treat the Iraqis with compassion?
Let’s see if the My 2 Cents author can answer these questions and defend his position…
Please explain how you can support "personal responsibility" and "individual freedom" and then support the indiscriminate killing of Iraqis by leveling certain cities where attacks are made on Americans.
How can you and other conservatives tell us that the majority of Iraqis support the occupation one minute and then encourage the leveling of troublesome Iraqi cities (killing thousands of innocent civilians) the next? Which is it? Huh?
And leave it to a conservative to use the image of an American body to score some political points. What a class act.
So the conservative solution to the acts of violence and brutality against Americans in Iraq is to go one further?
I guess, as a "fancy-pants elitist," I just don't grasp the brilliance of the conservative position. Check back tomorrow for the United Nations.
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