Monday, April 19, 2004

just drowning in compassion...or bigotry…

Compassion and bigotry seem to be one and the same if you have a “R” behind your name…why do you suppose that is? It’s even more confusing if you believe conservatives when they say the Democratic Party was the party that opposed civil rights in the 60’s…wow.

No policy post today...I'm too busy reading over the leaflet the U.S. will drop on the women and children living in Fallujah and Najaf before we carpet-bomb or nuke the "animals" living there. Does this mean “brown-skinned” people can’t government themselves? Say it isn’t so President Bush!

My time is also pretty tied up today underlining the passages in the Bible that say God hates. I guess what I learned in Sunday school that “God loves” was one big lie...

What can I say, when I'm fighting to spread the Almighty's gift of freedom, I don't have time to protect human rights. I'll be back tomorrow.


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