Making the Pie Higher
Over nine million jobs were created during President Bill Clinton's historic economic boom. In the first two years of President Bush's administration, he lost three million jobs. Now he, and his economic team are gloating over the 308,000 new jobs created last month. Well, this does come from the President who said, "we ought to make the pie higher."
I agree, the increase in jobs is a good thing for the United's about time average Americans, as opposed to millionaire CEO's, get some help from the Bush White House.
However, don't let yourself get fooled thinking President Bush has a great record with jobs. The average salary of a job created during the Clinton Administration was $43,000 a year. So far, the average salary of a job created during the Bush Administration has been $34,000.
So, my heartfelt congratulations go out to President Bush and his economic advisors. You have successfully lowered the standard of living for millions of Americans, while improving the standard of living for millionaire Americans. No wonder the Bush/Cheney ticket has a campaign war chest of $150 million. After those massive tax cuts for the wealthiest 1% of Americans, they can afford to give you a little negative ad money.
Now, if President Bush could only spend some money on economic stimulus instead of a National Missile Defense or low-yield tactical nuclear weapons (NMD and those nukes will have to be another couple blog entries).
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