Respect the office even if you don't respect the person...
I'm not in the mood for serious policy post I'd thought I'd go off the deep end a little. Here's a gloriously patriotic compilation of the nations leaders...enjoy!
Da Figure Head: George Walker Bush, 43rd President of the United States

Da Boss: Richard Cheney, "Vice" President

Mom: Barbara Bush, Mom

Dad: George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President of the United States

Old Lady: Laura Bush, First Lady

Christian Soldier: John Ashcroft, Attorney General

Dr. Strangelove: Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

Token "Urban" Influence: Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor

Peace Maker: Colin Powell, Secretary of State

Water Boy: Andrew Card, White House Chief of Staff

Minster of Truth: Karl Rove, Senior Political Advisor

Tha Nuge: Ted Nugent, Director of Wildlife Protection

I understand I've been reluctant to include photos in my blog...I've decided I won't drop to the level of conservatives who try to use photos to validate their argument...I'm going to use photos to waste server memory (the way it should be). Catch ya all tomorrow
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