Wednesday, May 19, 2004

"Abstinence Only" at work...

I saw this yesterday and had to share:
A German couple looking for fertility treatment were told that they would be better off trying sex first.

The pair visited the University Clinic of Lubek in order to investigate why it was that they had not had a child despite eight years of marriage, Ananova reports.

But after extensive tests, the clinic were left bemused by why such an apparently fertile couple were still childless, until they asked about the frequency of their sexual activity.

It emerged that the 30-year-old woman and 36-year-old man had never consummated their marriage - apparently unaware of the importance of sex in the process of conception.

"When we asked them how often they had had sex, they looked blank, and asked us what we meant," a clinic spokesman said.

"The couple were brought up in a religious environment and were simply unaware, after eight years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary to procreate."

The pair are now undergoing sex therapy sessions in order to aid them in their bid to have a child.
At least the author of My 2 Cents knows where children come from... (even if he's uncomfortable discussing "O" faces)


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