and now for some double talk and liberal psycho-babble...
My 2 speech does not include only what you believe is "acceptable."
I agree with the ACLU when they say "the defense of freedom of speech is most critical when the message is one most people find repulsive."
I agree with the ACLU when they say "those who do wrong are responsible for what they do; those who speak about it are not."
I agree with the ACLU when they say "the case is based on a shocking murder. But the lawsuit says the crime is the responsibility not of those who committed the murder, but of someone who posted vile material on the Internet."
And I agree with the ACLU when they say "in representing NAMBLA today, our Massachusetts affiliate does not advocate sexual relationships between adults and children."
I don't consider this double talk, or couldn't be more clear. I support the ACLU's position that ANYONE has the right to FREE SPEECH, even if what they say is disgusting, disturbing and "vile" (to quote the ACLU itself).
My 2 Cents, if you actually looked into the issue (as I did), and did not just take the word of the Center for Reclaiming America, you might have known that no pornographic issues were involved. Next time, do some research...your cause depends on you being believable...
And no, I'm not mentally ill...however, I know some people who, if the Center for Reclaiming America got it's way, would be considered mentally ill.
Finally, I don't support the scum of the earth...I defend the scum of the earth's right to free speech, free expression, free assembly, free practice of religion and right to due process.
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