Monday, May 10, 2004

The Center for Relcaiming America...

The author of My 2 Cents, instead of discussing his position on the right of homosexuals to adopt, chose instead (as I predicted) to attach the American Civil Liberties Union. The source he used to "discredit" the ACLU was the Center for Reclaiming America.

For those of you who don't know, the Center for Reclaiming America's mission is "to inform, equip, motivate, and support Christians; enabling them to defend and implement the Biblical principles on which our country was founded." In actuality, the mission of the Center for Reclaiming America is to spread hate and bigotry. places the Center for Reclaiming America in league with and Stop Promoting Homosexuality International...good company if your last name rhymes with "Gitler."

Just a brief scan of the Center for Reclaiming America's web site makes you want to cringe in disgust.

Since my post was on Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgender rights, let's examine the Center for Reclaiming America's stance on homosexuality:

▪The Center believes that homosexuality should be reclassified as a "mental illness" by the American Psychiatric Association, and that someone's homosexuality is "quite changeable" and "is curable."

▪They are concerned that 86% of reporters and other media employees believe "homosexuals have the right to teach in public schools."

▪Apparently, since I've bought Nike clothes, drank Coors beer, ridden in Ford vehicles and contributed to the United Way, I've supported the "homosexual movement" through the Human Rights Campaign. Man, if there was ever and organization to oppose, it would be one supporting human rights.

If the Center for Reclaiming America, and the author of My 2 Cents, want to "reclaim America for Christ," they can do it without me. The Christ I believe in is love, not compassion, not hope, not fear...

My 2 Cents, how dare you use such a discriminate and bigoted source to defend one of your positions. Ever hear of "guilty by association?"


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