Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Rounding up Conservative "Refuse"

Seems the author of My 2 Cents has taken it upon himself to join the "Hannitized" minions of hell.

I know this may be a little too much "book learning" and not enough "common sense" for the conservatives out there, but you can (and should) read the complete Court opinion here.

I hope the author of My 2 Cents read that opinion before announcing his position, but I doubt it. My 2 Cents probably got his information from the Drudge Report and he actually used Sean Hannity as a source.

So, Michael Newdow is a "thoughtless, mean, hateful liberl" (I think you meant "liberal")for wanting to protect his child from what he considered bad? So the conservatives' support of family involvement only applies if you have the same religious convictions as those conservatives...nice.

Sean Hannity seems to be falling into the same trap as President Bush; repeating the same catch phrase over and over. Of Michael Newdow, My 2 Cents quoted Hannity as saying:
"Michael Newdow is a thoughtless, mean, hateful liberal and all liberals should condemn people like him."
To (and about) columnist and political cartoonist Ted Rall, Hannity said:
JUNE 8, 2004: "You are thoughtless, mean, hateful liberal." ... "And all liberals ought to condemn people like you."

MAY 7, 2004: "You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You're a mean, despicable, thoughtless human being. And you're a heartless human being. And you're a lying human being."
So, as a liberal, I ought to condemn people like Ted Rall AND people like Michael Newdow? After all the condemning I've got to do, I don't know if I'll have enough time to matter, if Sean Hannity and My 2 Cents tell me to do something, I better damn well do it!


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