Monday, June 21, 2004

Time to Update the Statue of Liberty

So, on top of carpet bombing the better part of the planet, the author of My 2 Cents wants to place troops on the border, and after deporting nearly 30 million people, shoot people who try entering the United States.

That's some plan alright. I know it worked wonders for the people of East Berlin:
Let it never be said that conservatives have no good, new ideas...

As infered by this post's title, it is time to update Emma Lazarus's poem on the Statue of Liberty:
"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free...psych!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justin, are you a moron?

The Berlin wall was built to keep people in East Berlin, not out of East Berlin.

Think a little about the historical facts of what you post next time.

7/16/2004 1:47 PM  
Blogger Slingshizzle said...

No, I don't think I'm a moron. If I was 7-years-old I would say "takes one to know one." I’m not 7 so here is an answer to your questions and comments:

I fully and adequately understand the historical background and reasoning for the Berlin Wall. I was endeavoring to be rhetorical and adroit with my post.

My point is this; the building of walls does not alleviate the threat of evil or danger. Building walls does not make one safer. You have to effect real and wholesale change to make yourself and your nation safer.

Simply separating and isolating the United States from the world will do nothing but damage this nation. That is the comparison I was attempting to make with East Berlin and the Berlin Wall.

7/19/2004 3:23 PM  

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