Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Ain't nothing wrong with this either...

I think everyone, regardless of political affiliation or party leaning can get behind this message of optimism and hope:

And now, I would like to apologize to all who are upset, disgusted, shocked, appalled, revolted, dismayed, sickened and disappointed by my exploitation of "female physical attributes."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goddamit, Slinger, I know you got two heads, but quit thinking with the one that has a hole on the top. I mean, come on. You're probaly the only liberal I know who thinks more with his pecker than with his brain. Get your head, and for that matter, hand out of your pants and listen to what Edwards had to say and read "The Other America."


7/29/2004 11:58 AM  
Blogger Slingshizzle said...

Goddamit MS, I know you haven't "gotten any" for a while, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the female form or take a break from your liberal arts/hoity-toity thoughts to have some fun. If you're going to be a Vandal, you gotta take a chill pill and not pretend you went to Harvard. (oh, I will read "the Other America" soon, so chill about that too)

And now that I've gotten that out of my system, back to the civil discourse! (yeah right...)

7/29/2004 3:01 PM  

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