Comments Gone Wild - Uncensored
So, My 2 Cents won't allow comments on his blog. He said:
I also offer "mad props" for anyone (not just "fans" of My 2 Cents) who comments on my blog.First and foremost, mad props go out to my fan (or fans) who have hit "the 3rd cent" with comments. Keep them coming. To answer a few e-mails, no I will not be allowing comments on this blog. At least not right now. I don't think that it would help with a free exchange of ideas, as the liberals would fill the comment sections with their psyco babble...
As an effort to truly aid the free exchange of ideas (both liberal psycho babble and conservative nonsense), I will not edit any comments made on this blog. Furthermore, if you read the post Historic and Sacred, you will see two comments which I deleted. That was a mistake.
In the spirit of free speech, here is the first comment...restored uncensored and uncut (the second comment asked me to delete the first one):
conservativesRgood said...I look forward to reading comments in response to this post.
Thank You Larry Craig and Mike Crapo for fighting the good fight. If Gays are allowed to get married then why get married in the first place?????
What is the reason to get married now????
I know Hank is Gay...for now at least. If Gay is something you are born with then you shouldn't become straight right????
Yet there are several people who have been gay that is now straight.
For the record...
I am not now, nor have I ever been, a homosexual. These allegations are false and slanderous. I would strongly encourage the author of this blog to remove the post by conservativesRGOOD not only out of fact but out of courtesy to a good debate. I know I call people names on my blog but I have never accused somebody of having a sexual oreintation that they were not.
Mr. Eslinger, tear down that text.
I think that you misunderstand what this comment was. The Third Cent is not accusing you have being a Homosexual, simply re-posting a comment that sombody else put on his blog. If you really believe in the "free exchange of ideas" then you can't be upset at this. And if your going to get pissy at someone, i would direct your anger toward conservativesRgood, not The Third Cent.
"Guilt by association", a phrase that the 3rd cent (as well as Mr. Dockrey) have used in their debates. By allowing this false statement to remain, the author of the 3rd cent is guilty by assocation.
Again, Mr. Eslinger, tear down that text.
hahahahahahaha. What, where am I!?
You are too gay hank. Everybody knows it. Just admit that its the reason you are so incredibly homophobic. It's a repression of your sexual urges. HAHAHA! IF you'd just come out and be less uptight, the reaction you're getting in ASUI wouldn't be so harsh. They don't like phonies like you hank, they just don't. Being gay is fun. Express yourself freely and you will be a much better person.
The manliest thing someone could do is post anonymously because they're too afraid to put their name next to what they really think. *end sarcasm*
You anonymous people need to get some cojones and start using your names.
Well Sammity Sam, some of us see no point in getting a blogspot account. It's great that you guys do, but I for one, do not feel it necessary to spill my guts on the internet.
Personally, I don't have an account on blogspot becuase I don't like their services. I do keep a blog, on livejournal becuase I perfer their community-oriented concept and the fact that they run open-source software.
Oh, yeah, well Snow Hall sucks so neener neener!
That is real mature...
What does Snow Hall have to do with any of this?
(take note that I am not the only person posting as anonymous)
From my point of view, the only advantages to registering for blogspot are to tie up a username that someone might actually want to use (becuase I wouldn't want to blog here anyway) and to comment on the blogs of people as uncouth as to not allow anonymous posting on their blogs.
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