Sunday, July 18, 2004

Mental Diseases

Hello, I'm Slingshizzle and I have a mental disease.
Hi Slingshizzle.
So, the author of My 2 Cents says I have a mental disease because I'm liberal.  His evidence to back up my mental illness is that I "have a hate for President Bush that is uncalled for." 
That's strange because I could say the same thing about My 2 Cents and Michael Moore.  The difference is: Michael Moore shows footage of dead children in his documentaries, and President Bush actually orders troops to go shoot those children
My 2 Cents wants liberals to stop dividing the nation and join with the great uniter (Bush)?  We (liberals) refuse to unite behind someone who believes certain citizens are less deserving of rights than other citizens.  We refuse to unite behind someone who would rather push his conservative religious views than prevent HIV/AIDS transmission and find cures for diseases through stem cell research.  We refuse to unite behind someone who would rather give tax cuts to the wealthy than improve inner city schools, increase health spending and educate more teachers.  We refuse to unite behind someone who would rather drill in protected land and fill streams with mining waste than seek energy innovations and cleaner air/water/earth standards.  Some uncalled for hate...
And by the, I and Michael Moore are not calling Bush or our troops "baby killers."  We are saying that war is hell, and innocent people get killed including children.  We just have the guts to admit it and to put it in perspective.  Conservative cook up that there is "honor" in warfare...liberals accept that war is a crime, and there is no honor in crime.
Anyway, back to mental diseases.  I wonder if he also considers homosexuality a mental disease (the Center for Reclaiming America, which My 2 Cents uses as a source whenever he badmouths the ACLU, thinks homosexuality is a mental illness). 
I wonder if he also considers Islam a mental illness.  I've heard him say that the suicide bombers in Iraq and else where are crazy (of course, if an American troop went on a suicide run he/she would win the Medal of Honor).
One last thing on mental illnesses, if I have a mental disease, you shouldn't call me a “MORON” or say that I have “half a brain.”  That's just not cool, regardless of your political affiliation.  You don't make fun of or take advantage of someone's disability.  On this note, it is incredibly insensitive of you to lessen the impact, significance or damage of mental diseases by equating them with a political philosophy.
Where's the compassionate conservatism I've heard so much about?


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