Friday, July 23, 2004

Reporting for Duty

The Pentagon, after claiming the payroll records of President Bush's Air National Guard service (and other records from that time) had been "inadvertently destroyed," today released to the AP those payroll records. The DOD said its earlier contention the records were destroyed was an "inadvertent oversight." Apparently, at least according to Pentagon freedom of information chief C.Y. Talbot, the "records couldn't be found earlier because officials were using the wrong index number." Our tax dollars hard at work...

With the *discovery* and release of the records within a week of the Democratic National Convention in Boston, the DNC chairman, Terry McAuliffe, was obviously concerned. He made this statement:
The supposed discovery of these records on Friday afternoon, as reporters converge on Boston to cover the Democratic National Convention, is highly questionable. If the Bush Administration continues to search, maybe they'll find answers to the long list of unanswered questions that remain about George W. Bush's time in the Air National Guard.
Terry then dropped this gem:
Bush's military records seem to show up as randomly as he did for duty.
I would like to formally thank President Bush for defending freedom and protecting Alabaman airspace from those dangerous North Vietnamese MIGs. Onward Christian Soldiers!


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