You forgot the reason...
I'm going to focus this post on the "uniter" aspects of My 2 Cent's apparent stab at reason.
John Kerry, by talking in the campaign about "two Americas," is not dividing the nation. He (and John Edwards) are simply reminding people of the American Bush, Cheney and other Republicans have conveniently ignored. (Here comes the reason...) By talking about the "two Americas," the Democrats are pledging to help bring the "other" America up out of their abject poverty and subjugation. It means uniting ALL Americans behind a single purpose; to leave no citizen behind.
So, Democrats are the party of division because we "give labels to people..."Mexican American", "African American", "Arab American"?" I would think conservative labels of "Wetback Migrant Moocher," "Coon Boy Felon," and "Towelhead Animal Evildoer" are a bit more divisive. Oh, and let's not forget the other conservative oldies-but-goodies: "Queer Fag Sodomite," "Mass-Murder Feminazi Super Bitch," and "Pea Soup Drinking Frog Leg Eating Frenchie."
The reason behind John Kerry's statement regarding the Voting Rights Act and African American voting is simple...the majority of felons with voting restrictions are African America. You know why that is? Because African Americans make up a large portion of the "other America." They don't have access to the same education, carrier and life opportunities as "this America." Furthermore, the laws in the United States (read my post on mandatory minimums) are racist and punish black criminals harder than white criminals. Even with common sense that adds up.
Finally, let's not forget that President G.W. Bush is the FIRST president since Herbert Hoover to not attend a NAACP conference during his presidency. That's a distinction all Republicans can get behind.
OK, Bud, you're halfway there again on your post. You need to READ "The Other America" in order to understand the rhetoric behind the now Edwards/Kerry Campaign. It's not just African-Americans this book looks out for, its all of the Americans who have been sucked under by corporate greed, like the citizens of the Appilacian coal mine areas, those workers who used to have Union jobs, but are now replaced by factory workers.
Kerry and Edwards are looking at the big picture with Globalization and its effects on American workers of all races, creeds, and classes. Globalization is only creating a new "Other America" where we are ignoring those people who work in the service sector, displaced technical workers, those without health care. In other words, those who have been affected by the System not because of anything they did wrong, but because of what they did well, producing and consuming goods.
And to my friends on the Right, "The Other America" isn't just destroying individuals, it's destroying families. I know you want to have a traditional nuclear family for your kids, but it's not possible with more and more high paying jobs going overseas. It's easy to tell a father to get an extra job working the night shift at McDonald's, and encourage mothers to stay at home, but it's harder to fathom that our own actions are forcing recent college graduates, Ph.D.'s, engineers, and other well educated individuals into jobs that they are far overqualified for; both men and women.
"The Other America" is staring you all in the face, my Conservative Friends, because pretty soon, you'll be in a workforce that doesn't want your skills because they're cheaper in the Global South (or Third World, if that's what you prefer calling it.) And then you will be one of the displaced, the lost, and the hungry.
...back to Slingshizzle... Read the book, understand the rhetoric, and then attack the Right. I keep telling you this, but you just don't listen. I still think it's because of your state education :-P
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