Thursday, August 26, 2004

The hypocrisy of it all...

My 2 Cents, First you say, "I don't question Kerry's military service." Then you question his military service and the valor attached to his Silver Star Award. The hypocrisy of it all...

For those of you who are interested in knowing what the Lone Ranger is rambling about, you can read the form in question here.

My 2 Cents, let me answer your three questions now:

(1) how did the "v" get behind the silver star on Kerry's DD-214
I'm going to go out on a limb and offer a common sense answer: T. VANSTIYDONCK (the officer who wrote up the form) screwed up on the DD214. He probably just copied the WITH COMBAT "V" from the line above. Easy to do…and guess what, there's no malicious intent.
(2) if it was forged and now found out, why has Kerry allowed it to remain
First, it wasn't forged (and you have absolutely no support or evidence backing that claim (except your morbid hope of a scandal or conspiracy).

Secondly, it is not an issue. Senator Kerry's bio on his campaign web site doesn't list a 'V' with his Silver Star.

Third, the service member has nothing to do with what goes on his/her DD214, that form comes from official records. Either the citation was fouled up or the person who prepared his DD214 fouled up. In either case, it isn't John Kerry's error and he's never claimed the COMBAT "V."

Finally, I hope you don't expect other people (besides you and Drudge) to remove things from their sites after they are questioned. Case in point, I questioned your two posts titled "KERRY LIED" and "HE LIED AGAIN..." on Tuesday and now they are gone. Where did they go Lone Ranger? They were there, now they arn't.
(3) why hasn't any national media besides G. Gordon Liddy picked this up? I would think that if this were George Bush the story would be all over...
I think you answered your own question their. G. Gordon Liddy is an ideological hack and it about as incredible (and I don’t mean extraordinary, I mean unbelievable) a source as one can come up with (besides maybe the Center for Reclaiming America). What would the story be?
"32 years ago, a yeoman accidentally copied WITH COMBAT "V" on a form after an award John Kerry did earn for valor. In addition, Senator Kerry has never claimed to have earned a Silver Star with Combat V. Besides the Silver Star, Senator Kerry has earned a Bronze Star with Combat V and three Purple Hearts."
Give me a break.
My 2 Cents, if your original post, "KERRY LIED" (which has now been deleted), was not from the Drudge Report, why was it formatted in the exact way Drudge formats his lies? Why was is posted mear minutes before another of your posts, "HE LIED AGAIN..." (which has now also been deleted)? The second post had an identical format to the first, and was citing the Drudge Report specifically.

One last thing. How dare you, an "auxiliary member of the Vietnam Veterans of America," question the valor, heroism or service of someone who served in the U.S. Navy for four years, and who served in Vietnam for six months?

The hypocrisy of it all...


Blogger H.D. "Henry-Hank" Johnston said...

As an associate member of the VVA I know what our men in combat went through in Vietnam through the stories they tell. I have never once said that Kerry should not of served or that I don't respect his service. I do. But I don't believe in taking everything at face value. Kerry must account for these claims he is making, just as President Bush should talk about his missing pay records. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Don't attack President Bush's supposed AWOL status while in the same breath telling me not to attack Kerry.

8/26/2004 8:14 PM  
Blogger Slingshizzle said...

Mr. Lone Ranger:

Did you read the same post I did? When did I ever "attack President Bush's supposed AWOL status while in the same breath telling me not to attack Kerry?" I never commented on President Bush being absent without leave when he was in the Air National Guard in that post, let alone in the same breath.

I don't see how Senator Kerry has to account for anything. As far as reality is concerned, the senator has not made any claims regarding his Silver Star, except that he earned one for valor in Vietnam. The claims were made by you, and I would ask you to account for them.

Lone Ranger, sometimes things must be taken at face value because there is no other reasonable way to take them...unless you are trolling for a conspiracy or scandal. Remember Occam's Razor: The explanation requiring the fewest assumptions is most likely to be correct.

8/27/2004 3:05 PM  

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