Thursday, August 12, 2004

Smart... Sexy... Liberal...

Like I've said for months on my profile, "There's nothing more fun than a lovable liberal." Ain’t it the truth?

Now there is a chance to complete the second part of my statement, "except two lovable liberals..." Presenting
The place for "good men" to meet smart, sexy, and liberal gals, and vise versa. Not only is it a dating services, but it is also a forum for forming new friendships, networking and campaigning among "young America." explains...
Relationships are hard enough! understands that sticking with left-leaners makes everything simpler, but also appreciates the value of political discussion among friends and on dates. CNN quotes college students who put politics "off limits" in their relationships, but encourages friends to motivate each other to take interest in the political process and to recognize the perks of stepping into their Democratic community.

Keep in mind, however, that even though we're all Democrats, we may have differing views. While we encourage free speech, remember, you can safely assume the people you are meeting are on your side of the spectrum. Take a break from defending your beliefs and take the time to browse through the profiles instead.
Let your love flow!


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