Friday, August 27, 2004


President Bush was asked by USA Today yesterday:
What has been the biggest disappointment of your time in the White House?
Here was the president's response:
I think the most disappointing thing has been that Washington is a harsh environment. It's very political, and it is very much dominated by special interests, much more so than I envisioned when I went to Washington. I pledged to work to change the tone in Washington, and I'll continue to pledge to work to change the tone in Washington. (italics my own)
So, President Bush pledges to change the tone in Washington, and to continue to change the tone in Washington. That's very admirable...if only it was true. Let me give you a recent example:

Yesterday, Senator John Kerry invited President Bush to a series debates (beyond those of the Commission on Presidential Debates) this fall to be held every week from now until the November 2nd election. The debates would cover a new issue each week; from education, health care and homeland security to social security, tax cuts and the war in Iraq. Back to the issues...what a great idea (regardless of your political ideology).

My friend Doc over at As many cents as needed hit it right on the head today with his post Swift Boat Veterans for Truth: "I am asking that everybody focus back on the issues and start talking about the issues that matter to the future of the United States." Doc, John Kerry agrees with you and has offered a great way to discuss the issues that effect us all.

Now, one would think, since President Bush wants to "change the tone" and focus on the issues, he would be gung-ho about...I don't know...changing the tone and focusing on the issues. Well, here is the response Bush-Cheney campaign spokesman Steve Schmidt gave to the weekly debate idea:
There will be a time for debates after the convention, and during the next few weeks, John Kerry should take the time to finish the debates with himself.

This election presents a clear choice to the American people between a president who is moving America forward and a senator who has taken every side of almost every issue.
You know, I just don't have the energy anymore to point out or make fun of the president's hypocrisy about his tone. Luckily for you, it's so blatantly obvious that I'm sure you can make up your own joke, bit, gag or ode to the president’s two-facedness. I encourage anyone who thinks of a great rib-tickler to comment on the post, and share the laughter with everyone.


Blogger H.D. "Henry-Hank" Johnston said...

I agree with the President. He has worked to change the tone in DC. Seems to me that we haven't seen angry Republians running around yelling "HE BETRAYED THIS COUNTRY" (Al Gore) or "YYYYEEEEEAAAAAHHHHH" (Howard Dean) or comparing John Kerry to Hitler. The extreme left wing of the Democrat party is so far out there with their claims that its sick. Granted, the GOP has our right wing (Center for Reclaiming America), but the Democrats have set the tone.

As far as President Bush participating in weekly debates, he has better things to do, like, oh I don't know, RUN THE COUNTRY! Kerry should be back in the Senate doing his sworn duty instead of being out on the campaign trail. You can mix and match both, but both Kerry and Edwards should resign from the Senate so the peoples work can be done.

8/27/2004 8:40 PM  
Blogger C said...

wait, so Bush cannot debate Kerry because he is the President and simply doesn't have the time? Call me crazy, but I believe I remember Bush taking around 500 vacation days since taking office. Assuming he keeps up the amount of time he takes off until he loses the election in November, that equals out to around 29 percent of the time he was in office, he wasn't in the office. If you seem to think he should be so busy because he is the President, perhaps he should stop taking time off and start 1) running the country (god help us all), and 2) start debating John Kerry so the people of this country and truly see the massive differences between these two men.

You can't have it both ways, don't attack John Kerry for missing Senate business when the President of the United States has spend over 1/4 of his time in office relaxing on his ranch in Crawford Texas. But, I'm sure you'll have some fancy excuse for why it's okay for Bush and not for Kerry. Also, did President Bush resign from Gov. of Texas when he ran in 2000? Again, you simply can't have it both ways.

8/29/2004 12:22 PM  
Blogger H.D. "Henry-Hank" Johnston said...

Thats really rich Doc... I don't even know where to start except to say that President Bush can still run the country effectivley from Crawford, Texas since we have new inventions such as the "telephone" and "internet". Senator Kerry, however, must be present in the chamber to vote on issues. Also, you can't have it both ways by attcking President Bush and overlooking the fact that Kerry has missed 78% of all Senate Intelligence hearings and even more floor votes...

8/29/2004 6:11 PM  
Blogger C said...

funny, I believe I said you would find some "fancy excuse why it is okay for Bush and not Kerry" and what a suprise...I was right! You might look at my post again and see that I never really attacked Bush, I just said that you cannot talk about one and admit the other. Stop always being on the defensive all the time, your acting like the Bush campaign when it comes to talking about issues.

I will be the first to admit that perhaps Kerry should have been at more hearing and votes, but you never did give a source for that figure, so if you could do that, I would appreciate it. Also, my last sentence, it was a question Hank, and if you wouldn't mind answering it, that would be cool. If you don't, then I'll just assume that you aggree that Bush is as bad as Kerry. Also, call me crazy, but I want a President who is going to actually be in Washington DC, not is some Texas ranch where he is all but un-reachable for the general public. And I hihgly doubt that he is as effective in his ranch than he is in the White House, not to mention the total amount of days equaled out to 29 percent of his time in office!!! I don't care who you are, that's simple too much time off. Finally, if your going to create a counter-argument, be sure to refute the whole argument, not just selected parts. This isn't talk radio, as much as you might want it to be. You actually need real points and good arguments. I look forward to your response.

Liberally Yours,


8/29/2004 8:33 PM  
Blogger H.D. "Henry-Hank" Johnston said...

Doc, to answer your question about President Bush's vactation time and teh 2000 election, yes - he should have resigned as Governor in 2000. But he didn't. Kerry has a chance to set the stage, to do the honorable thing and resign. That would honestly score some character points with me.

Answer # 2 - if you want the truth on Bush's vacation time, read my blog today.

8/30/2004 8:55 AM  

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