Friday, September 17, 2004

Come Fly the Iraqi Skies

Some good news has come out of Iraq today. is reporting that after 14 years, Iraqi Airways is resuming scheduled flights tomorrow.
Although Iraqi Airways only has one working plane out of their 20 year old 16-plane fleet, we can expect flights from Baghdad to Syria and Jordan twice a week and flights to Dubai beginning shortly.

There are some catches though. A ticket to Damascus would cost $600, and $750 to Amman. A road trip to those cities costs about $40. Still, with all that nice rich oil we are pumping (for the Iraqis, of course), people in Iraq probably have tons of money to throw into air flights to Damascus. Democracy in Action!

Now that Iraqi Airways is flying again, American Brand IRAQI FREEDOMTM can finally be displayed in a single item:
Now that's a bag I can barf in with pride! $200 billion well spent!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know it doesn't take HTML (at least I assume it doesn't) so here is a cool link for your sidebar! (once you take out the spaces after <

< p align='center'>
< img src = "" alt="Days until Bush leaves office." border=0>< /a>< br>
< small>Designed by < a href="">georgedorn< /a> and provided by < a href="">Positronic Design< /a>.< br>
Grab your own copy < a href="">here
.< /small>< p>< /p>

9/17/2004 3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I for one would rather spend the $600 yaking in the American Freedom (tm) Bag than on the road. Especially when one of those great Heat-Seeking Stingers that we gave the Iraqi's back during the Iraq-Iran war. I don't know about you, but that seems to be a hell of a lot more fun way to travel to Syria than by car.

9/18/2004 12:49 PM  

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