Kyoto a Go Go
Russia's cabinet approved the Kyoto Protocol on global warming today, making way for the Russian parliament to ratify it later this year. It is widely expected to be ratified.
122 nations have already ratified the Protocol or acceded to it according to the United Nations. The Protocol requires that it must be ratified by no fewer than 55 countries that accounted for at least 55% of global emissions in 1990. Kyoto has surpassed the requirement of signatories but has so far only received pledges from nations representing 44 percent of total emissions and Russia’s participation would tip the scale.
As you may know, President Bush, pulled the United States out of the Kyoto Protocol as one of his first acts as president in 2001. Instead, President Bush (in less than four years) weakened our own air pollution standards, wanted to allow more mercury in our water, allowed mining companies to push their mining tailings into streams and creeks, pushed for the increased mining of coal, opposed increased fuel efficiency standards and stopped forcing pollution companies to pay for Superfund sites their cause.
I agree with the President that it's unfortunate that China and other developing nations are excluded from the CO2 and other carbon emission reductions measures in the Kyoto Protocol, but that is not reason to reject the Protocol.
The United States, as the world's largest polluter, must take the lead and show some responsibility and lead the Protocol. It's not the end, nor should it be. It is, however, a big step in the right direction.
I for one do not want to live in a world dominated by this image:
And I know I'm not alone...
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