Liberal Kool-AidTM
Because, evidently, I cannot under any circumstances be correct in my opinion that assault weapons are probably bad for our communities and should be regulated and controlled, I've decided to share some of the so-called "Kool-aid" I drank to believe what I believe.
Perusing the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action website, I discovered something that I thought and had hoped had gone the way of Joe McCarthy. Now before I go on, I know some of you neo-cons out there support Senator Joe's actions in fighting te "Red Menace" back in the 50's. I mean, everyone's favorite moderate, Ann Coulter, likes McCarthy so much that she has this photo on her official web site:
Anyway, back to Senator McCarthy. The NRA seems to have taken a hint from his actions and established a list...a Black List. That's right, just when you thought it was 2004 and the words "equality for all" were true, the nation's leading Second Amendment defenders come up with a black list. You can see the entire black list on the NRA's web site here.![]()
(I understand this photo doesn't have anything to do with anything, but I just love Ann Coulter.)
This black list includes actors, singers, authors, poets, religious organizations (including my United Methodists), businesses, news organizations, medical organizations, police organizations, unions, and the most feared organization on the face of the planet, the YMCA. And like all blacklists, the purpose is all too clear: to intimidate and silence anyone who disagrees with the NRA's extremist agenda. Well done NRA!
If you feel left out of the NRA's blacklist (as I did) you can sign up at
On another topic, one of the U.S. Senators from my great state of Idaho is Larry Craig. Besides being a Senator and a driver of Volkswagen bugs, Larry is a member of the NRA's executive board. If you are an Idahoan who thinks this might be a bad thing, or a conflict of interest, I encourage you to visit this site: "End Larry Craig's singing career."
To those who think I’ve had to much Kool-Aid, I say, “OH YEAH!”
You have a problem with the exercise of a First Amendment right of freedom of speech? I'll grant you that McCarthyism was absolutely wrong, but it was wrong because the First Amendment makes it illegal for the government to suppress speech. The "NRA Blacklist" merely informs private citizens about the positions that public persons and corporations take on a specific issue. Very much like, oh, say the successful attempt by the Left to prevent Dr. Laura Schlessinger from having a television program by boycotting her sponsors? (Not that she needed any help - there's a face for radio if I ever saw one.)
They're one and the same - a free exercise of speech by private citizens. Actually, I'm glad that the NRA has a list to tell me who does and who does not support my right to keep and bear arms, so when I spend my money, I can minimize the risk that I'm contributing to my own disarmament.
Oh, and that Larry Craig site? Exactly the same thing.
So, why is it OK for people to work to get Craig out of office, but it's not OK for other people to work to reduce, say, the income of 20/20 Vision? (I go to LensCrafters, BTW.)
Aren't you a college student? Shouldn't you understand this by now? Didn't you take Civics in high school? Can you say "Double Standard?"
Maybe you should cut back on that Kool-Aid™ intake.
And I note that you simply dismiss, without refutation, all the arguments (and corrections) put forth in your comments. Typically liberal, what you feel is more important. It's your opinion, and by gum, that should be good enough for anybody!
Put down the Kool-Aid™ and pick up a cup of Clue™.
Pass me a cup of the ol k-a, I'm a getting thirsty. I am rather upset that they lifted this ban. Protecting ourselves from ourselves usually is a good thing. It's like the whole seatbelt law or jay-walking laws or any numerous laws of the same sort. It's also like locking your front door; you're only keeping the honest people out, seriously. That's what these laws are about, keeping the honest people honest.
As for you Kevin, whoever you're getting to review your posts is a very nice person. The only problem with it is that it is starting to sound very much like that person instead of you. And when you say that you are writing them yourself, I'm sorry, but you're not kidding anybody but yourself.
-A voice from the past...
What have you been ingesting?
Would you care to translate that into English?
Anon: This is not the same Kevin.
This is Kevin from the gun Web site. Our Kevin is off praying for people he doesn't like to die. Only, he's doing it dyslexically.
Sorry Kevin, we've already got a Kevin. You understand, right Kevin?
Thank you, Sam. Yes, that's slightly less irrational, now.
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