Wednesday, September 22, 2004

News v. Spin

My colleague Mr. Lone Ranger over at My 2 Cents has repeatedly used the Drudge Report as a new source for his posts. Well, today, Drudge gave us one great example of how fair/balanced/believable he is.

The headline of the Drudge Report this afternoon was:
Kerry: Draft Likely to Return Under Bush
Wow, that's a big's almost like Cheney saying (then later not saying) "It's absolutely essential that eight weeks from today, on Nov. 2, we make the right choice, because if we make the wrong choice then the danger is that we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States."

So, I clicked on the Kerry: Draft Likely to Return Under Bush headline and it took me to this Yahoo! News Story: Kerry Says Draft May Return Under Bush.

Wow, already the story has gone from "Draft Likely to Return Under Bush" to "Draft May Return Under Bush." And that's just the headline. When you actually read the quote, Senator Kerry said:
"If George Bush were to be re-elected, given the way he has gone about this war and given his avoidance of responsibility in North Korea and Iran and other places, is it possible [the draft]? I can't tell you."
So, from the Drudge Report to reality, the story has gone from Kerry saying the draft is likely under a second Bush term to "I can't tell you."

Now Matt Drudge and the Lone Ranger can say whatever the hell they want. It’s their right as American citizens. But don’t try passing Drudge off as news. I’ve already covered this issue once in my August post "BREAKING NEWS" and Liars but it bears repeating over and over again (as long as neo-cons believe the sh** Drudge spoon-feeds them each day).

Only one saying fully captures Matt Drudge Balanced NewsTM:
Spins Way!


Blogger Kevin said...

Well "BUSH WILL BRING BACK THE DRAFT!" seems to be the new Democrat scare-tactic. MSNBC reports that John Edwards, Max Cleland and Howard Dean are trying to frighten college students with the threat of a Bush-driven draft:

Inspiring fear in voters seems to be in political vogue this fall. (Cheney has since amended his comments to say he meant to argue that Bush has a more serious approach to deterring terrorists than does Kerry.)Some voters seem inclined to believe that Bush would attempt to revive conscription, which ended 31 years ago. During a question-and-answer session on Wednesday, the mother of a recent West Virginia University graduate asked Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards whether the draft would be reinstated."There will be no draft when John Kerry is president," the North Carolina senator vowed, raising the question of whether there would be a draft if Bush remains in the White House.Edwards’ comment came on the heels of remarks last week by Kerry’s friend and fellow Vietnam War veteran, former Georgia Sen. Max Cleland.In a speech at Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Cleland told students they might find themselves pressed into military service if Bush wins a second term.

“America will reinstate the military draft” if Bush is re-elected and continues the Iraq War, Cleland predicted, according to an account of his speech by the Colorado Springs Gazette.And there are lawmakers proposing a return to the draft. Problem is, every single one of them is a DEMOCRAT.

Now why do you think that might be?

9/22/2004 9:38 PM  
Blogger H.D. "Henry-Hank" Johnston said...

What you don't get is that Drudge makes up his own headlines... and links to the story... you actually have to click the link and read the story... nobody goes off headlines alone...

9/24/2004 10:43 PM  

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