So, my peer over at
My 2 Cents believes, in his "professional opinion", that last night's Presidential Debate was a "near-tie." He is more than able to have any opinions he want, but I think his opinion is about as accurate as the Rasmussen Report and PBS tracking polls he told us about last night.
I actually think Kerry clearly won the debate. Coincidently, that's what every major national (and not made-up) poll has shown. Kerry was clearer, more concise, more informed and most importantly,
I know the
Lone Ranger is going to share with us all the Kerry debate flip-flops he can pull off of
Drudge, or Before he does, I have to share with you a true gem I found on today. On their page: "John Kerry's Inaccurate Statements During Last Night's Debate," number Eight was beautiful, I must say. It starts saying:
Kerry Claimed U.S. Soldiers Are "90 Percent Of The Casualties In Iraq"...
First of all, Kerry actually said:
"And we pushed our allies aside. And so, today, we are 90 percent of the casualties and 90 percent of the cost: $200 billion -- $200 billion that could have been used for health care, for schools, for construction, for prescription drugs for seniors, and it's in Iraq." Here's the rest of the Bush campaign's number eight Kerry inaccuracy:
But The Wall Street Journal Puts U.S. Casualties Closer To 50% When You Include Iraqis Helping To Secure Their Own Country.
That's an interesting way of looking at the situation. I guess the Iraqis are part of the coalition of the willing, right up there with the United Kingdom, Australia and ourselves...
Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot Poland...
Now let's all watch the neo-cons attempt to spin their way into a win. In fact, only one expression can fully explain my take on the neo-con spin: