Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Justice Crapo??? Sen. Ried, WTF?

Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said he'd been talking to Democratic leader Harry Reid about nominees for a potential vacancy on the Supreme Court but wouldn't say whom he and Reid had discussed or characterize their chances in front of the Senate.

Well, later yesterday Reid offered four names of people he said would be good for the court: GOP Sens. Mel Martinez of Florida, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Crapo of Idaho.
They "are people who serve in the Senate now who are Republicans who I think would be outstanding Supreme Court members," Reid said.
I'm not wild about Crapo...I'm sure he's a good guy, but he's got to be one of the most whiped senators around...his Republican party-line voting record is at 98%.

Monday, June 27, 2005

5%...math-inept people rejoice!

Beginning Friday, Idaho's sales tax rate will drop back to 5%...the first time since 2003. What do you know, Rep. Deloris Crow [shudder] got her only if her tenure as state representative would sunset like the 6% sales tax.

For people like me (idiots), 5% makes for a much easier percentage to add up...5, 10, 15, 20, etc. Yeah! When I buy $1.00 worth of junk, I will only have to add on one of these:
It's too bad that Idaho won't be able to afford educating our students. That's Idaho for you...
Arkansas of the Northwest!

SCOTUS: I am the Lord thy God...but only in certain contexts

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled today that displays of the Ten Commandments that have been around for a while and which are historical in context are OK on government property.

Now before the neo-con/Christian Soldier/fundamentalists cheer, SCOTUS also ruled that displays of the Ten Commandments that imply our laws come from Judeo-Christian religious beliefs are NOT OK.

I can live with these ruling...I think they make sense...and I love that my favorite Justice, Stephen Breyer, was the swing vote in both cases.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Spirit of Justice...naked once more...

With barely a word about it, workers at the Justice Department yesterday removed the blue drapes that have famously covered two scantily clad statues, for the past 3 1/2 years.

Spirit of Justice, with her one breast exposed and her arms raised, and the bare-chested male Majesty of Law basked in the late afternoon light of Justice's ceremonial Great Hall.

The drapes, installed in 2002 at a cost of $8,000, allowed then-Attorney General John Ashcroft to speak in the Great Hall without fear of a breast showing up behind him in television or newspaper pictures, [from the AP]

Little by little, the radial neo-conservative/fundamentalist Christian agenda of John Ashcroft is being we need to repeal the USA Patriot Act (Uniting & Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act).

Monday, June 20, 2005

3rd cent Presidential Straw Poll

Who do you like from the list of potential Democratic presidential candidates? Take the poll and leave me a comment.
◊ Evan Bayh
◊ Joe Biden
◊ Wesley Clark
◊ Hillary Clinton
◊ John Edwards
◊ Russ Feingold
◊ John Kerry
◊ Bill Richardson
◊ Tom Vilsack
◊ Mark Warner
◊ Other
◊ Who the hell are these people?
Because it's apparently never too early to flame each other's presidential preferences.

(For those who care, I vote, Wesley Clark/Bill Richardson/Who the hell are these people?)
Go Straw!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

ASK AMERICA: 2005 National Policy Survey...WTF?

Liz recently received a "survey" from the National Republican Congressional Committee titled "Ask America." The survey contained a four page cover letter from Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the House. In the letter, Hastert explained the perils of being a Republican:
Keep in mind, a loss of only 14 Republican seats in the House of Representatives in the next elections will give control to the Democrats and make ultra-liberal, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House.

Even worse, the loss of out Senate Majority will put Democrats in control of the chamber and give obstructionists such as Ted Kennedy and Hillary Clinton the opportunity to re-shape America's future.
Oh No! Not an "ultra-liberal!" In addition to the letter, the questions on the survey are so fantastic and unbiased I have to share them with you all...not like a push-poll at all. Feel free to answer them as you go along...and try not to poke your eyes out:


1. Do you support President Bush in his efforts to wipe out terrorism worldwide even if this war goes on for many years?

2. Do you think American troops should pursue terrorists and their leaders even if it means going into countries where we are not invited?


3. How concerned are you that we potentially face more terrorism within the United States and that it will directly impact your family?
Very Concerned Somewhat Concerned Not Very Concerned

4. How confident are you that the newly created Department of Homeland Security will be able to keep America Safe from future terrorist attacks?
Very Confident Somewhat Confident Not Very Confident

5. Some critics say that in tracking down potential foreign terrorists, the FBI and other investigative agencies are infringing on individuals' Constitutional rights. Do you think this is reasonable if it leads to exposing more terrorists in our country?

6. Should resident aliens and all non-citizens be required to carry and I.D. card issued by the Immigration and Naturalization Service while they are in the U.S.?

7. Do you think our government is doing enough to secure America's borders against
foreign terrorists?

8. Do you believe that all foreigners within the United States whose visas have expired should be found and deported?

9. What is of greatest concern to you and your family right now?
Threat of terrorism Health of nation's economy Other______


10. How confident do you feel that America's economy will continue to grow stronger in the next six months?
Strongly Confident Not too Confident Somewhat Confident Not Confident at all

11. Which of the following factors is most adversely affecting our economy?
Burdensome taxes Speculative business ventures Stock market Questionable corporate governance Severe government regulations Threat of terrorism Growth of government spending Other_______

12. President Bush and the Republicans in Congress have passed historic tax cuts. Do you agree that additional tax cuts are needed to spur the economy and relieve the tax pressure on America's citizens?

13. Do you agree that a top priority should be making President Bush's $1.3 trillion tax cut permanent?

14. Do you support eliminating the Death Tax?

15. Do you believe the nation's tax code should be completely overhauled and streamlined?

16. Do you agree that Congress must provide more incentives for work and entrepreneurship to promote job creation?


17. Do you agree with President Bush that it is imperative to modernize and restore fiscal soundness to Social Security?

18. Do you support President Bush's proposal to allow individuals to choose to invest a certain portion of their Social Security money in order to build a stronger retirement fund?

19. Do you feel it is imperative that Congress act today to ensure the financial stability of the Medicare program?

20. Do you think that all costs for prescription drugs should be covered under Medicare?


21. Are you pleased with the quality of health care you currently receive?

22. Do you agree that there should be reasonable limits on punitive damages on the amount of money patients and trial lawyers can collect when suing their doctors or HMO's?

23. How much of a role should the federal government have in an individual's health care?
Major role Limited role No role at all No opinion


24. Do you agree with President Bush's reform proposal of flexibility and local control that will reduce red tape and give states and local schools unprecedented flexibility in using federal funds to produce results?

25. Should states be encouraged to develop methods to test teachers regularly to ensure they are proficient in the subject they teach?

26. Should a federally-funded voucher system be established to allow inner city parents to move their children from failing public schools to better performing schools?

27. What do you see as the major cause of the decline in America's education?
Complacent parents Not enough discipline Not enough money Too much bureaucracy Poor teachers Crowded classrooms No Opinion Other_______


28. Do you back President Bush's efforts to build a "missile defense shield" to protect America from nuclear attack from rogue states such as North Korea and Iran?

29. Is America doing enough to revamp, restore and strengthen our armed forces to meet the needs and challenges of the 21st Century?

30. President Bush has announced the most comprehesive restructuring of U.S. military forces overseas since the end of the Korean War by redeploying troops to better face the threats of a post-Cold War world. Do you agree?


31. In the recent election, President Bush made it clear that "the United Nation's will never dictate U.S. foreign policy." Do you agree with that statement?

32. Which of the following do you think will have the most impact on America in the next 5 years?
The situation in Iraq Unstable economic markets in key areas of the world The threat of terrorism North Korea's possession of nuclear weapons The instability in the Middle East The growing military and economic clout of China Other_______

33. Do you agree with President Bush's policy that the establishment of a free Iraq in the heart of the Middle East will be a watershed event in the global democratic revolution?

34. Do you support President Bush's Emergency Plan for AIDS relief, a five-year, $15 billion initiative to turn the tide in combating the global HIV/AIDS pandemic?


35. Do you think that America should be doing more to secure our borders and keep illegal immigration to a minimum?

36. President Bush has proposed a temporary guestworker program to match willing foreign workers with willing U.S. employers when no Americans can be found to fill the jobs. Are you in favor of this proposal?

37. Do you believe Congress should place stricter limits on legal immigration?

38. Are you concerned about the current unprecedented levels of illegal immigration?

39. Do you support increased funding for border control operations?


40. How do you feel the current U.S. Supreme Court is positioned?
Too liberal Too conservative Just right No opinion

41. Do you believe it is acceptable to apply "litmus tests" on key issues to potential Supreme Court nominees?

42. Do you think that confirmation of federal and Supreme Court justices should simply require a majority vote of 51 U.S. Senators or should 60 votes be needed to break a Senate filibuster?
51 votes 60 votes NO OPINION


43. In recent years, has the federal government grown more or less intrusive in your personal and business affairs?
More intrusive Less intrusive No opinion

44. Is President Bush right in trying to rein-in the size and scope of the federal government against the wishes of the big government Democrats?

45. Are you in support of President Bush's Faith Based and Community initiatives that will allow federal funding to be allocated to qualifying religious organizations to further social and community works?


46. Congress recently passed a "class-action reform" bill to bring an end to frivolous and costly lawsuits that are getting out of control. Do you approve of this legislation?

47. Does the national news media accurately report the news without liberal bias?

48. Do you support the President's plan to unify our nation around a comprehensive energy plan that protects consumers while producing more reliable and environmentally clean energy?

49. Should Congress authorize additional oil exploration in Alaska to help alleviate America's over reliance on Middle East oil in the future?

50. Considering the massive amounts of money spent on the 2004 elections by so called "527 independent groups" which were allowed to take millions of dollars from single individuals, do you feel that additional reforms are needed to our campaign finance laws?

51. Do you believe all abortions should be banned?

52. Do you think there should be a Constitutional Amendment banning gay marriage?


53. Generally, are you satisfied with the accomplishments of the Republicans in Congress?

54. How do you rate President Bush's job performance thus far?

55. Do you agree that the obstructionist Democrats should not be allowed to gain control of the U.S. Congress in the 2006 elections?

56. In your opinion, how does the federal government best function?
When one party controls both the White House and Congress When one party controls the White House and another party controls Congress When control of Congress is split between both parties No opinion

57. What do you consider the most important steps the Republican Party can take in the coming months to ensure continued control of Congress? [This is apparently an extra credit essay question, as there no options offered and a couple of lines for you to fill in & give them some ideas.]
Now, if you were like me, after you stopped laughing and grinding your teeth, you felt like a shower was needed...Well America, what do you think?

Monday, June 13, 2005

Democratic Core Values according to Slingshizzle

For the past several years, and especially in the past several months, people, Republicans and neo-cons alike have been railing liberals and Democrats for not knowing what they believe in. I've seen this floating around as a list of core Democratic values: Accountability, Privacy, Growth and Opportunity, American Leadership.

If I were Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, these would be my party's core values:
Fighting corruption
Responsive government
Electoral reform
Fiscal responsibility
Corporate accountability (tort laws, strong SEC, etc.)

Sacrosanct doctor/patient relationship (choice, contraceptives, medical marijuana)
Family planning
No regulation of morality
Opposition to Patriot Act
A right-to-die
Consumer privacy
Religious freedom

Growth and Opportunity
Education (pre-K, primary, secondary, college, continued adult)
No "No Child Left Behind"
Worker rights
Social Security
Health Care
Gender equality (same pay for same work, etc.)
Non-regressive tax laws
Marriage equality
Workplace protection (OSHA, discrimination laws, etc.)
Fair trade laws
Small business support
Protecting our environment
Protecting our cultural heritage
Sound (renewable) energy policy

American Leadership (America is #1!)
Strong, effective, smartly deployed military
Leadership on global issues (e.g. terrorism, landmines, global warming, etc.)
Champion of human rights at home and abroad
Leadership in science and technology (e.g. stem cells, alternative energy, etc.)
Strong United Nations/internationalism/multilateralism
Even though I'm not chairman of the DNC, when Republicans and neo-cons ask me what I believe in as a Democrat, I will tell them this.

the Senate appologizes...good for them

Before my actual post, some personal stuff...I am doing well and still working at Subway. Most of my time off is spent with ASUI's illustrious Vice President, so I apologize for the helter-skelter way I'm posting here...but I will continue to post (especially now that My 2 Cents is "back"...but only about good things, no Michael Jackson garbage
The U.S. Senate, through a cheap and un-accountable voice vote decided upon by Majority Leader Bill Frist, passed a resolution apologizing for failing to enact anti-lynching laws in the 20th century. Unsurprisingly, Trent Lott was not one of the co-sponsors. The reason I said the vote was cheap and un-accountable is that there was no roll-call taken of senators and their vote. Frist did not want to pin any of his bigoted colleagues with a no-vote on this issue...but their sponsorship speaks volumes.

Now, before someone "the Lone Ranger," brings up Sen. Robert "KKK" Byrd (D-WV), let me pre-emt them by pointing out that Sen. Byrd was a co-sponsor.

My question is why Idaho's own Senator Mike Crapo is not among the co-sponsors. I don't think anyone will argue that Idaho had a history of race relations that is less than stellar...well, maybe it's good enough for Lott and Crapo.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The little blue pill...

My favorite two senators, Trent Lott of Mississippi and Rick Santorum of Pensylvania, have introduced another vital, topical and important piece of legislation:

S. 1113


To provide that no Federal funds may be expended for the payment or reimbursement of a drug that is prescribed for the treatment of sexual or erectile dysfunction.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Prescription Drug Coverage Stewardship Act of 2005'.


(a) Restriction-

(1) IN GENERAL- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no Federal funds may be expended for the payment or reimbursement, including payment or reimbursement under the programs described in paragraph (2), of a drug that is prescribed for the treatment of sexual or erectile dysfunction, including for such a drug that is prescribed to an individual who has a conviction for sexual abuse, sexual assault, or any other sexual offense.

(2) PROGRAMS DESCRIBED- The programs described in this paragraph are the medicaid program, the medicare program, the Federal employees health benefits program, the Defense Health Program, the program of medical care furnished by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, health related programs administered by the Indian Health Service, health related programs funded under the Public Health Service Act, and any other Federal health program.

(b) Effective Date- Subsection (a) shall apply to drugs dispensed on or after the date of enactment of this Act.
That's right...we gotta support our troops, federal employees and veterans by denying them Viagra. Man I dislike this guy:
Doc, now that you are working for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, I need you to do one thing for me and ever other American...put that guy out of a job next year...

Deep Throat

So, the source Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward of the Washington Post used to report the Watergate scandal and bring down the slime that was the Nixon administration was W. Mark Felt, former FBI deputy associate director.
Here's the cool part...Felt is an Idahoan...and a Vandal. Felt was born and raised in Twin Falls and he graduated from the University of Idaho in 1935 and was president of Idaho's Beta Theta Pi fraternity.