Monday, June 27, 2005

SCOTUS: I am the Lord thy God...but only in certain contexts

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled today that displays of the Ten Commandments that have been around for a while and which are historical in context are OK on government property.

Now before the neo-con/Christian Soldier/fundamentalists cheer, SCOTUS also ruled that displays of the Ten Commandments that imply our laws come from Judeo-Christian religious beliefs are NOT OK.

I can live with these ruling...I think they make sense...and I love that my favorite Justice, Stephen Breyer, was the swing vote in both cases.


Blogger Sam said...

You shouldn't live with this.

The commandments start out with "I am the Lord Thy God" on the damn things.

It's still plugging Christianity. Where's their Koran (Quran, Qoran, choose your spelling) display?

6/28/2005 3:12 PM  

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