Justice Crapo??? Sen. Ried, WTF?
Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said he'd been talking to Democratic leader Harry Reid about nominees for a potential vacancy on the Supreme Court but wouldn't say whom he and Reid had discussed or characterize their chances in front of the Senate.
Well, later yesterday Reid offered four names of people he said would be good for the court: GOP Sens. Mel Martinez of Florida, Mike DeWine of Ohio, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Crapo of Idaho.
They "are people who serve in the Senate now who are Republicans who I think would be outstanding Supreme Court members," Reid said.I'm not wild about Crapo...I'm sure he's a good guy, but he's got to be one of the most whiped senators around...his Republican party-line voting record is at 98%.
WOW, the reason why I think Reid mention Crapo is because Nevada is South of Idaho. Nevada is right next to Idaho. Crapo is not doing his job. If Reid likes Crapo, that does not look good for Crapo.
That will be cool to have SCJ from Idaho.
Crapo now has a big problem when he runs again.
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