+1 Day (a Mandate)
I congratulate President Bush for his victory. It's nice to see the Republican members (My 2 Cents, theANTILiberalBlog) of the "UI Blognet" are gracious with their win.
I would also like to congratulate Hamid Karzai, who was declare the winner of Afghanistan's first-ever presidential election today. It took until now for probe into vote fraud to find no grounds to invalidate his win in the October 9th election.As I congratulate President Bush and other Republicans for their strong night, I remind them that I am not abandoning my beliefs. I still know that the Democratic principals of equality, diversity, safety, fiscal soundness, quality education, quality healthcare, excellent employment and good international relations will overcome the Republican principals of fear, hatred, warmongering, unilateralism, deficit spending, and unaccountability. I, as a member of the minority, will be ever vigilant in keeping you accountable, fair and just.
Oh, and contrary to what the Lone Ranger said on As many cents as needed, it does not suck to be a Democrat. In fact, it rocks.
Now on a more personal note, I also congratulate my peer over at My 2 Cents on his upcoming enlistment in the United States Navy. How do I know Mr. Johnston will be "Accelerating His Life" by joining the Navy?
Well, he said so in September while he was guest-hosting the Lori Roth Show on national radio (the supposed highest form of national discourse). You can listen here...go to 16 minutes and 50 seconds on the track for his pledge:
Lori Roth Show: September 6, 2004 (Hour 2)Here is the transcript of what the UI Truth Detector told his national radio audience:
If George Bush is re-elected I will probably join the – join the Navy. Just for the sheer fact that that I want to serve my country…but that I wouldn’t feel comfortable…and if that makes me a coward then then so be it but…I wouldn’t feel comfortable serving under John Kerry. And maybe – And you know that’s the honest truth. That’s the honest truth. I would defend this country in Iraq if I knew George Bush was going to be president again, and you can hold me to that.Well, just as I'm holding President Bush to govern with moderation and cooperation, I'm holding the nationally syndicated talk-show host over at My 2 Cents to his comments.
And to help the Lone Ranger along, I suggest he visit the Navy homepage to get some more information.
See the world...then vote Democratic in 2008.
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