Clash of the Bean-Picking Titans
On Tuesday's Lou Dobbs Tonight on CNN, Dobbs clashed with Idaho Senator Larry Craig over a bill Craig is supporting regarding illegal/migrant agricultural workers.
Dobbs is a native of Rupert, Idaho and their discussion occasionally digressed to an argument over who did the most back-breaking farm labor as a kid, and who knew Jack Simplot's pretty damn funny.
You can read the transcript here. (unlike the FOX News Channel, CNN provides complete transcripts for every one of their programs...part of their "unfair and unbalanced" approach to reporting I guess)

Who is the more common man?
I spoke with Senator Craig at the Lincoln Day Dinner here in Moscow last night. He will be back on Lou Dobbs next week. Tune in... I intend to.
So, Kevin, is it safe to assume then that you will leave your nice dorm room and move to Idaho Falls to pick fruit in the hot sun... that would be the logical thing... at least you wouldn't be breaking the law...
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