Tuesday, February 22, 2005

God Damn F***ing Seniors: Part II

Well, it looks like the 3rd cent was not the only liberal blog to pick up on the USA Next/AARP ad silliness. In fact, so many blogs picked up on it, the issue and the ad were featured in CNN's Inside Politics.

CNN tried to find the ad on the American Spectator site, but it had been removed. This intrigued CNN, so they contacted USA Next, the creators of the ad. CNN we got a statement from Charlie Jarvis, the CEO of USA Next, and he said the ad was a "test".

Apparently, he wanted to see how liberals would react, whether they would "engage in the debate on the very important issue on Social Security or whether they would just run screaming". Jarvis went on to say: "Sadly the left are proved and chose anger and explosiveness about a simple image rather than dealing with the details of a critical issue."

HA! USA Next was trying to initiate a debate on the issue of Social Security by running the ad they ran (you can see it below)? I guess I don't have enough common sense to understand that logic...


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