Saturday, March 19, 2005

Two years...1520 American deaths

Today is the two year anniversary of the start of the Iraq war. So what has happened in the past two years?
1520: Americans killed

1696: total coalition killed

5473: American wounded in combat

15,000-20,000: total American wounded

17,000-19,000: Iraqi killed

100,000+: Iraqi wounded

$150,000,000,000: spent

Spain, Thailand, Hungary, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Portugal, New Zealand, Philippines, Norway: Nations who have left "Coalition of the Willing"

Netherlands, Ukraine, Poland: Nations leaving "Coalition of the Willing"
And there is little or no mention of the anniversary on Drudge or the Fox News Channel patriotic.


Blogger Katie said...

thanks for allowing me this chance to vent...

I HATE THIS FREAKING WAR! I'VE HATED IT FROM THE MOMENT I HEARD OF ITS VAGUE POSSIBILITY -- 10 MONTHS BEFORE IT BECAME REALITY! But like virtually everyone else, once it all got started and showed no signs of stopping in spite of news that THERE WEREN'T ANY WMDs TO BE FOUND, etc. etc., I gave up my public protestings under the ridicule of being "unpatriotic," or "not supporting our troops."

My private protesting will go on and on and on, though. This war did more than any other single factor in turning me into a democrat. VIVA LES LIBERALS!

3/21/2005 8:33 AM  

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