Saturday, March 12, 2005

Worst Fortune Ever

I just got home from Moscow's premiere Asian restaurant, Super China Buffet, and I feel it necessary to share my fortune cookie fortune:
You are smart,
for you do things smartly.
I don't know what more to add...except to say that when I told Liz my fortune, she said "No, what is it really?"


Blogger C said...

lol, that's some funny stuff man. i got an awsome one myself while i was still in moscow, it said:

A zesty partner will help you in your efforts to get ahead

oh yeah, damn right. anyway, funny story man, later


3/13/2005 1:41 PM  
Blogger Sam said...


Just saying.

3/13/2005 7:31 PM  
Blogger H.D. "Henry-Hank" Johnston said...

Odd that you should mention it, I went to the Chineese Village Sunday for lunch and my fortune was:

"You will be sucessful in your next undertaking."

Dunno if it is a career hint for me or not (undertaker).

Your fortune reminds me more of that scene off of West Wing where Josh asks CJ to read the sex ed report, to which she replies "I'm a prime woman Josh. I'm a woman in her prime." Yeah, yeah, I'm creepy when it comes to remembering West Wing lines.

Anyway, you never call me anymore. :-)

3/14/2005 9:50 AM  

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