"Incredibly Outrageous"
Rep. Tom Delay is completely out of control...DeLay slams Supreme Court Justice Kennedy.
I don't know what more to say...he's gotta go...
A liberal 24-year-old's take at life in the Idaho and the United States
Rep. Tom Delay is completely out of control...DeLay slams Supreme Court Justice Kennedy.
Let's talk a little bit about Tom DeLay. Now, this is the exact opposite of what we've got from these "maverick" Republicans in the Senate. "DeLay yesterday intensified his criticism of the federal courts. He singled out Anthony Kennedy and his work from the bench as 'incredibly outrageous' because he had relied on international law and done research on the internet. DeLay was on Tony Snow's radio show yesterday on the Fox Radio News Network, and basically DeLay said, 'We got Justice Kennedy writing decisions based upon international law, not the Constitution. That's just outrageous, and not only that he said in session he does his own research on the Internet. That is just incredibly outrageous.'" Now, I'm going to be talking to DeLay this afternoon. I don't know what's particularly outrageous about somebody using the Internet themselves. I do it. But he's got to have a reason for it and I want to find out what that is, and we will, and I'll pass it on to you tomorrow if I get the answer.
But contrary to all of these people that are cowering in fear, DeLay said, "All right, you want to hit me? Well, fine! Hit me again, because this is what I really think. I'm totally entitled, anybody is, to comment on the performance of a judge." This is essentially what he's saying. He's echoing Scalia. Scalia said the same thing. Scalia went out there and said basically the same thing. He just didn't single out a justice by name but we all know who he was talking about. He was debating another Supreme Court justice on the whole concept of deciding US cases on the basis of international law. He was debating Stephen Breyer. We have played you audio sound bites of that debate, which aired on C-SPAN. Scalia has been mentioning his colleagues left and right, just not by name, but he, too, is flabbergasted that international law has become something relevant in deciding US constitutional cases. So DeLay says the same thing.
Now Scalia, of course, was attacked but not because he shouldn't have said it. He was attacked for what he said. DeLay is being attacked because he said it! They can't believe he's saying it. Can we contrast this, though, however? There was a contrast. People's memories are short. Does anybody remember what Dingy Harry Reid said about Clarence Thomas? Clarence Thomas was accused of basically being an idiot! His writings don't pass muster; his intellect doesn't past muster. He's an embarrassment to the court, Dingy Harry Reid said -- and did we see the press going through outrageous contractions and expansions? Did we see the press outraged at all? No. No. They loved it, and they echoed it, and they amplified it throughout their own echo chamber. But let Tom DeLay say it? "DeLay Criticizes Justice Kennedy -- Sharpening his attack on judicial activists, the House leader focuses on one particular judge." You didn't see headlines anywhere near like that when Harry Reid went after Clarence Thomas.
Interesting, but not accurate. DeLay is being attacked exactly because of what he is saying. Congressmen/women have always complained about the decision of the courts, for many years, precisely because they have no direct say over what the courts decide. This is very logical, because court decisions effect their elections, but judges don't care about what the public thinks, they care about what the law says, and rightfully so. I don't want judges making decisions based upon the publics current wants and desires, they change far too often and quickly.
DeLay said "the time will come for the men responsible for this to answer for their behavior" when talking about the Terri Schiavo decision which was upheld by every court is came before, and has been looked at by more judges than any other case. All DeLay's other comments are being attacked because of this quote. Pretty much he threatened the judges because of their decision. How can we expect Judges to do their job when they fear for themselves??? They can't, and now we only have two branches of government, and they are both controlled by right-wing, reactionary politicians, and that's dangerous. DeLay has said that the Congress should have complete oversight on the judicial branch, and that is something I, and many others, will passionately fight against.
Chris Dockrey
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