Vacation my white ass...and other observations
For those of you (a.k.a. the Lone Ranger) who thought I was on vacation, I'm pleased to announced that I got a job at
...and have not been wading in a palm-surrounded lagoon...much to my chagrin. Actually, this is one of the first times I've been online in a couple weeks. What have I missed?
• Well, the Idaho Legislature passed one of the most ridiculous pieces of legislation in all of recorded history. You know when Mr. Johnston wanted to make the ASUI Senate more professional like the Idaho Legislature? Well, on the second to last day of the 2005 session, they passed HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 29. You need to read the entire thing, then shake your head and vote against the incumbent legislators in 2006...need proof?
WHEREAS, any members of the House of Representatives or the Senate of the Legislature of the State of Idaho who choose to vote "Nay" on this concurrent resolution are "FREAKIN' IDIOTS!" and run the risk of having the "Worst Day of Their Lives!"To use a good standby phrase: WHAT THAT F**K!
• The "Honorable" Tom Delay needs to be fired as Majority Leader of the House. How long are neo-cons going to back this neo-con up?
Serriously, this guy is a serious crook...not much unlike Nixon...
• Prince Charles wed HRH Camilla Duchess of Cornwall...
I can't believe I haven't been around to comment on all this...damn.
wow Kevin, perhaps you forgot that Clinton was impeached for his actions by the House of Reps. He was found Innocent by the Senate, so he was admonished of the "crimes" he committeed. DeLay not only broke ethics rules, he has tried to change the ethic rules so won't get in trouble. Not to mention, he has pratically made threats against judges as part of this right wing effort to get any judge they don't agree with out of office. Also, three of his staff in Texas have been indited by a Grand Jury in relation to fund raising violations, and DeLay is under invistigation. So yeah, it's easy to see how you can compare Clinton to DeLay. The bottom line is DeLay is a crook, and Clinton was a target of the right wing of this country.
After the Fall 2004 ASUI Senate meeting with the bill "providing fot the elimination of this bill", I'd say that the legislature and ASUI senate are right in step with each other.
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