Thursday, April 14, 2005

The WHAT THE F**K? moment of April 14th

So I was informed today by the 'good' people at the Family Research Council that as a liberal Democrat, I am "against people of faith." Nice to know...

Actually, the people who are against people of faith are the Democratic members of the U.S. Senate. Why, you ask, would the Family Research Council (FRC) claim that Democratic senators (most of whom are among the faithful) are against people of faith? It's because they are using their right to filibuster radical judicial nominations.

The FRC is holding a national telecast, Justice Sunday: Stop the Filibuster Against People of Faith, on April 24th with special guest Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. Here is the flyer for that telecast:

For the full size, click here.
In case you couldn't read it, the bottom of the flier says:
The filibuster was once abused to protect racial bias, and it is now being used against people of faith.
In the statement introducing the telecast, FRC president Tony Perkins, does his part to elevate the debate on this important topic.
As the liberal, anti-Christian dogma of the left has been repudiated in almost every recent election, the courts have become the last great bastion for liberalism.[...]

For years activist courts, aided by liberal interest groups like the ACLU, have been quietly working under the veil of the judiciary, like thieves in the night, to rob us of our Christian heritage and our religious freedoms.[...]

This liberal minority does not respect the will of the people: they want judge-made law because our elected officials will not give them the social anarchy they demand.[...]

If this effort fails, the best we can hope for are likely to be mediocre judges who meet the approval of Ted Kennedy, Charles Schumer and Hillary Rodham Clinton.[...]
It's times like these that I proclaim to the heavenly father, THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME A LIBERAL DEMOCRAT!


Blogger C said...

well, actually the ACLU is against the Boy Scouts because they won't allow gays to join the org, and they take away awards from people they find out are gay, that's why the ACLU are against them, and rightfully so I might add.

This is just the right-wing of this country getting all upset and freaking out because they finally found out that the Democrats are right on this issue, and the country aggress with us. A majority of the country is against the elimanation of the filibuster, and don't want the Republicans to trigger the Nuclear option.

However, I don't think anything can stop it, mainly because Sen. Frist has no choice. If he doesn't do it, he will look weak to his party, and won't get the nomination in 08, and if he does, he risks being blammed for the shut down of the entire senate. He is in a lose-lose situation, and I must say, I love it. The Republicans got themselves in this position, and now they have to live with it. This is exactly what happens to the Repulicans when they get power, they always abuse it and then lose it in the next elections.

2006 is going to be a great year, I can feel it.


4/16/2005 1:36 AM  

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