Friday, July 30, 2004

Thank God for Prozac

A staffer for the Bush/Cheney campaign said yesterday that American workers unhappy with low-quality jobs should find new ones, or at least pop a Prozac to make themselves feel better:
"Why don't they get new jobs if they're unhappy -- or go on Prozac?" - Susan Sheybani, an assistant to Bush campaign spokesman Terry Holt
Now if only the Bush administration would allow people to buy cheaper drugs (including Prozac) from Canada...then we'd be somewhere.


Thursday, July 29, 2004

Vouchers (aka publicly-funded slush fund)

To the author of the theANTILiberalBlog 10th Cent, vouchers cannot be use for charter schools and home schools (at least not in the Milwaukee school choice program you champion). They are used soley for religious schools and "choice schools" anyone with a mailing address can establish.

The laws governing Milwaukee’s "school choice" program, which the 10th Cent advocates, say private schools:
• Do not have to obey the state's open meetings and records laws.
• Do not have to hire certified teachers or even require a college degree.
• Do not have to release information on employee wages or benefits.
• Do not have to provide data such as test scores, attendance figures, or suspension and drop-out rates. In fact, the legislation expanding vouchers to include religious schools specifically eliminated the requirement that the State Superintendent of Schools conduct annual performance evaluations of voucher schools. The only requirement is an evaluation of the program, to be submitted to the legislature in the year 2000.

Regulations governing private schools are so weak that it is harder to get a liquor license or set up a corner gas station in Milwaukee than it is to start a private school.

from the Wisconsin Education Association Council.
Regulations governing private schools are so weak that it is harder to get a liquor license or set up a corner gas station in Milwaukee than it is to start a private school.

There is no substantial or credible evidence that vouchers work in improving education for poor children...none. I agree with you that a revolution is necessary for the future success of public education. I disagree, however, that the revolution is privatization.

The 10th Cent uses Professor Paul E. Peterson of Harvard University as a source promoting voucher programs. I did some research on Prof. Peterson online and here is what I found: Conservative Professor Paul Peterson's work on school voucher programs raises serious ethical issues.

I don't want anyone to take that website as the truth, but it does raise some interesting questions. Regardless, it is quite obvious that Prof. Peterson is not an impartial researcher. Do a simple Google search for "Paul E. Peterson" and you will see he is quite smitten with vouchers, not just reporting findings of his research. (Oh, by the way, just because you say Harvard is a "VERY LIBERAL SCHOOL," they still have conservative [even radically conservative] professors).

The 10th Cent also uses Jap P. Green of the University of Houston as a pro-voucher source. Well, there is no reference of Jap Green ever working for, taking classes at or doing research for the University of Houston. I was puzzled by that, so I did a simple Google search of "Jap P. Green" and "Jap Green." I received no pertinent results. Who exactly is this Jap Green, and why should I believe his "position" on vouchers?

The author of the 10th Cent claimed that “public schools are corrupt…With vouchers it create competition and create less corruption…” That’s very interesting. It’s even more interesting when you read this news article from the AP and Miami Herald: Milwaukee Voucher Program Hit by Scandal.

The figure of $2,500 I gave was the average voucher payout nation wide (including both private and public voucher programs). 10th Cent, I wouldn’t use Milwaukee as a shining example of voucher success. You said “People in Milwaukee love vouchers.” That’s another very interesting point, especially when you read this other news article from the Washington Post and the Detroit News: Voucher plan splits Milwaukee.

I will grant that not all vouchers are used to attend religious schools, but that makes no difference. You can’t violate the First Amendment and say “don’t worry, we are only violating it a little bit.” There is no sliding scale of appropriateness or acceptability when it comes to religious freedom and governmental endorsement (through financial support) of religion.

The former superintendent of the Milwaukee Public Schools likes the voucher programs he developed and supported? No kidding…that’s quite surprising. The 10th Cent, you have yet to provide any credible evidence that vouchers work in any substantive way. Even the evidence available for test cases is inconclusive and unusable. How can a “fiscally conservative” guy like yourself advocate spending billions of dollars on a program with little evidence supporting that expense?

When I get some more time, I will explain my position on public education and my ideas for improving public education for all students, not just the wealthy, not just the inner-city poor, all students.

Why I'm a Democrat

The Reverend Al Sharpton, during his speech last night to the Democratic National Convention, clearly stated a key Democratic position and one of the largest reasons I believe in the Democratic party. It deserves repeating:
"The issue of government is not to determine who may sleep together in the bedroom, it's to help those that might not be eating in the kitchen."

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Ain't nothing wrong with this either...

I think everyone, regardless of political affiliation or party leaning can get behind this message of optimism and hope:

And now, I would like to apologize to all who are upset, disgusted, shocked, appalled, revolted, dismayed, sickened and disappointed by my exploitation of "female physical attributes."

Vouchers and what to do with them...

So, the author of theANTILiberalBlog 10th Cent believes the NAACP should join with the GOP because "Under Bush blacks living in inner city will be able to go to private school using Vouchers."

So, vouchers are the silver bullet the 10th Cent wants to use to improve inner-city schools. I have to add, I’m quite surprised how passionate theANTILiberalBlog is about improving inner-city schools.

Anyway, here is my view on vouchers. I was looking over my past posts, and was surprised to see no post on vouchers. Well, that trend ends here…hurrah!

Vouchers and What to Do With Them:
The implementation of a voucher system (like the one theANTILiberalBlog supports) would send a clear message that we, as a nation, are giving up on public education.

I will grant the 10th Cent that vouchers would help some students. However, the virtue of public education (especially American public schools) is that it is for all children, regardless of their religious beliefs, their academic talents or their ability to receive an education. This policy of inclusiveness has made public schools the backbone of American democracy and freedom.

Oppositely, private schools are allowed to discriminate on a variety of grounds. These schools regularly reject applicants because of low achievement, disciplinary problems and some, for no reason whatsoever. Additionally, some private schools promote agendas and positions antithetical to the American "ideal" (the ideal conservatives claim to promote).

Under a system of vouchers, it may be difficult to prevent schools run by extremist groups like the Nation of Islam or the Ku Klux Klan from receiving public funds to subsidize their racist and anti-Semitic agendas. Conservatives will respond saying "we’ll just prohibit the subsidization of schools like that." Unfortunately for the conservatives, it isn’t that easy. You cannot legally include certain private schools and exclude others in a voucher program. You cannot base a system of education off subjective and fallible beliefs.

Because many schools, including many not affiliated with racist organizations, are segregated, the proud and important legacy of Brown v. Board of Education may be tossed away. This would occur as tax dollars are siphoned off public schools to deliberately segregated schools.

Supporters of voucher programs often state that these programs would allow poor students to attend good schools previously only available to the middle class. In fact, theANTILiberalBlog said essentially the same thing. The evidence that is available depicts a different reality:

A $2,500 voucher supplement ($2,500 is what the majority of voucher programs have offered in the past) may make the difference for some families, giving them just enough to cover the tuition at a private school (with some schools charging over $10,000 per year, those families would still have to pay several thousand dollars).

That’s all fine and good for upper-middle-class families. However, these same voucher programs offer nothing of value to families who cannot come up with the rest of the money to cover tuition costs (the inner-city families theANTILiberalBlog "wants" to help).

In many cases, voucher programs will offer students the choice between attending their current public school or attending a school run by the local church. Not all students benefit from a religious school atmosphere; even when the religion being taught is their own.

For these students, voucher programs offer only one other option: to remain in a public school that is likely to deteriorate even further due to the reduction in funds and resources brought on by other students leaving with their vouchers in hand.

As our country becomes increasingly diverse, the public school system stands out as an institution that unifies Americans. I firmly believe than our differences and uniqueness strengthens our nation and our society, and that those differences must be experienced by all. Under voucher programs, our educational system, and by extension our country, would become even more Balkanized than it already is.

With the help of taxpayers' dollars, private schools would be filled with well-to-do and middle-class students and a handful of the best, most motivated students from inner cities. Some public schools would be left with fewer dollars to teach the poorest of the poor and other students who, for one reason or another, were not private school material. Such a likelihood can hardly benefit public education.

Proponents of vouchers are asking Americans to do something contrary to the very ideals upon which this country was truly founded. Thomas Jefferson, the "architect" of religious freedom in the United States, said,
To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves... is sinful and tyrannical.
Voucher programs would do just that; they would force all citizens, Christians, Jews, Muslims and atheists, to pay for the religious indoctrination of school children at schools with narrow parochial agendas. In many areas, 80% of vouchers would be used in schools whose central mission is religious training. In most such schools, religion permeates the classroom, the lunchroom, even the football practice field. Channeling public money to these institutions flies in the face of the constitutional mandate of separation of church and state.

School voucher programs undermine two of America’s strongest traditions: universal public education and the separation of church and state. Instead of supporting vouchers, communities (and conservatives) should devote themselves to finding solutions that will be available to every child and that take into account the important protections of the First Amendment.

Some information and figures from the American Federation of Teachers.
I hope the 10th Cent gets a clue...does anyone want to give me odds?

Q: Vouchers, what should I do with them?
A: Send them the way of "three-fifths of all other people."

Monday, July 26, 2004

Lovable Liberals

So, I was reading Ann Coulter's column which she couldn't seem to get to USA Today before their timeline. Coulter, in the first sentence, takes a stab at civility and compassion:
Here at the Spawn of Satan convention in Boston, conservatives are deploying a series of covert signals to identify one another, much like gay men do.
Huh, it's nice to know that conservatives have something in common with gay men, even if it can't be the same federal job. Coulter then explained the "covert signals" used by conservatives and gay men:
My allies are the ones wearing crosses or American flags... Also, as always, the pretty girls and cops are on my side, most of them barely able to conceal their eye-rolling.
Pretty girls? I was confused...luckily for me, Coulter explained her alliance with the pretty girls at the Democratic National Convention:
My pretty-girl allies stick out like a sore thumb amongst the corn-fed, no make-up, natural fiber, no-bra needing, sandal-wearing, hirsute, somewhat fragrant hippie-chick pie wagons they call "women" at the Democratic National Convention.
Well, in my book (which has sold over 1 million copies), you only need to have ovaries, a vagina or a uterus to be considered a woman (unless you are transgender or have an unique gender identity...either of which is cool too). Coulter also added some dating advice for us self-described "lovable liberals:"
As for the pretty girls, I can only guess that it's because liberal boys never try to make a move on you without the U.N. Security Council's approval. Plus, it's no fun riding around in those dinky little hybrid cars.
I'll have Ann know that I "make moves" all the time and very rarely consult the Security Council first. Also Ann, I drive around in a dinky Nissan pickup, not a dinky hybrid car.

The rest of her column was complete shit, but you can read it here and decide for yourself (did that last part sound to much like Fox News? I hope not).

"#1" and "#2" at the DNC

Apparently, the largest problem with the Democratic National Convention is not the security, the protests, the closing of roads and subways or the massive cost. Apparently, the largest problem with the DNC is the restroom facilities provided to the print media. You can read about it here.

You know you've pissed off the print media when their "tongues clucked" after they saw the restrooms (which are actually porta-potties). To the hoity-toity members of the print media (none of which are reading this blog), I say to you this: I went camping this weekend in the Clearwater National Forest, and my restroom consisted of a stump, a roll of toilet paper and a spade.

Friday, July 23, 2004

Say it Ain't So!

After 7 months of filling our hearts with joy, Paris Hilton and Backstreet Boy Nick Cater broke up...
You may ask yourself..."Slingshizzle, how does this qualify as news?" I may ask myself that as well...

I know, however, you're all secretly glad Paris can (in her publicist’s words) "focus on her work." *wink* *wink*

Reporting for Duty

The Pentagon, after claiming the payroll records of President Bush's Air National Guard service (and other records from that time) had been "inadvertently destroyed," today released to the AP those payroll records. The DOD said its earlier contention the records were destroyed was an "inadvertent oversight." Apparently, at least according to Pentagon freedom of information chief C.Y. Talbot, the "records couldn't be found earlier because officials were using the wrong index number." Our tax dollars hard at work...

With the *discovery* and release of the records within a week of the Democratic National Convention in Boston, the DNC chairman, Terry McAuliffe, was obviously concerned. He made this statement:
The supposed discovery of these records on Friday afternoon, as reporters converge on Boston to cover the Democratic National Convention, is highly questionable. If the Bush Administration continues to search, maybe they'll find answers to the long list of unanswered questions that remain about George W. Bush's time in the Air National Guard.
Terry then dropped this gem:
Bush's military records seem to show up as randomly as he did for duty.
I would like to formally thank President Bush for defending freedom and protecting Alabaman airspace from those dangerous North Vietnamese MIGs. Onward Christian Soldiers!

Thursday, July 22, 2004

3rd cent is voting for Kerry

Much to the dismay of theANTILiberalBlog 10th Cent, and as a blow to his plans to "cronize" me, I have decided to vote for

I was leaning towards the National Barking Spider Resurgence Party but the 10th Cent's statement, "Usually giving your vote for a third party means the party you hate wins" convinced me to throw my support behind Senator John Kerry.

ABB in '04!

Final Report

The 9/11 Commission, or the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States as it is known to its friends, released it's final report today. You can rean the entire thing here. The most important news to come out of the report: you can purchase it at a bookstore or on the government's online bookstore for $10.00. That's a pretty good deal when you consider the Starr Report also costs $10.00.

You've only got $10 in your pocket...which do you choose?


This is the question which will now plague the human race...

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

$12,300,000,000 give or take

A report released by the Government Accountability Office today says the Bush administration underestimated the cost of military actions in Iraq and Afghanistan by about $12.3 billion. You can read the report here.

It's a good read and is great evidence that the "War on Terror" has been less than adequately planned.

The Truth Behind Pledging... (and I'm not talking fraternity)

To theANTILiberalBlog 10th Cent, I have never taken a pledge to vote for Sen. John Kerry for President or any other elected office. I simply pledged to not vote for President Bush on November 2, 2004.

I may very well vote for Loretta Nall of the U.S. Marijuana Party or Sterling David Allan of the Providential Party or Gene Amondson of the Prohibition Party or Michael W. 'Mike' Bay of the National Barking Spider Resurgence Party or Walter F. 'Walt' Brown of the Socialist Party or Ernest Lee Easton of the Veteran's Industrial Party or Jackson Kirk Grimes of the United Fascist Union Party or Andrew J. Kensington of the United States Justice Party Americale or Temperance Alesha Lance-Council of the Anti-Hypocrisy Party or David John Morascini of the Human Being Party or "Muadin" of the E-Democratic Party or George C. Nelson of the United Veterans Rights Party or Diana Ramsey-Rasmussen-Kennedy of the Fair Representation Party or Thomas K. 'Major Tom' Reed of the 21st Century Prohibition Party or Larry J. Schuetter of the Turtle Party or Brian Baker Springfield of the Menorah-Thor Party or Michael Ross Tunick Strauss of Mike's Party or Vermin Love Supreme of the Misinformed Citizens of America Party or Hugh Wallace of the American Independence Party or Michael T. Witort of the Health Party.

For more information about these candidates, check out Project Vote Smart.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Taking the Pledge

I have joined the throngs and pledged not to vote for President Bush on November 2nd. You can pledge by clicking on the link to the right ->

ABB '04

Monday, July 19, 2004

Girlie Men

The Governator said today (of Democratic Californian State Legislators):
If they don't have the guts to come up here in front of you and say, 'I don't want to represent you, I want to represent those special interests, the unions, the trial lawyers' ... if they don't have the guts, I call them girlie men.

Yeah, I guess calling fairly elected leaders girlie men is funny, but I much prefer this gem from Arnold...
I think that gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman.
Now that's a statement I can understand (mostly because it doesn't involve pumping up anything)!

Sunday, July 18, 2004

The World... circa 2005

As predicted by the theANTILiberalBlog 10th Cent (kinda like Nostradamus) I give you two future superpowers:


Allons enfants de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arriv
Contre nous de la tyrannie
L'tendard sanglant est lev
Entendez vous dans les campagnes,
Mugir ces froces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans nos bras
Egorger nos fils, nos compagnes!


Unbreakable Union of freeborn Republics,
Great Russia has welded forever to stand.
Created in struggle by will of the people,
United and mighty, our Soviet land!

Sing to the Motherland, home of the free,
Bulwark of peoples in brotherhood strong.
O Party of Lenin, the strength of the people,
To Communism's triumph lead us on!

Mental Diseases

Hello, I'm Slingshizzle and I have a mental disease.
Hi Slingshizzle.
So, the author of My 2 Cents says I have a mental disease because I'm liberal.  His evidence to back up my mental illness is that I "have a hate for President Bush that is uncalled for." 
That's strange because I could say the same thing about My 2 Cents and Michael Moore.  The difference is: Michael Moore shows footage of dead children in his documentaries, and President Bush actually orders troops to go shoot those children
My 2 Cents wants liberals to stop dividing the nation and join with the great uniter (Bush)?  We (liberals) refuse to unite behind someone who believes certain citizens are less deserving of rights than other citizens.  We refuse to unite behind someone who would rather push his conservative religious views than prevent HIV/AIDS transmission and find cures for diseases through stem cell research.  We refuse to unite behind someone who would rather give tax cuts to the wealthy than improve inner city schools, increase health spending and educate more teachers.  We refuse to unite behind someone who would rather drill in protected land and fill streams with mining waste than seek energy innovations and cleaner air/water/earth standards.  Some uncalled for hate...
And by the, I and Michael Moore are not calling Bush or our troops "baby killers."  We are saying that war is hell, and innocent people get killed including children.  We just have the guts to admit it and to put it in perspective.  Conservative cook up that there is "honor" in warfare...liberals accept that war is a crime, and there is no honor in crime.
Anyway, back to mental diseases.  I wonder if he also considers homosexuality a mental disease (the Center for Reclaiming America, which My 2 Cents uses as a source whenever he badmouths the ACLU, thinks homosexuality is a mental illness). 
I wonder if he also considers Islam a mental illness.  I've heard him say that the suicide bombers in Iraq and else where are crazy (of course, if an American troop went on a suicide run he/she would win the Medal of Honor).
One last thing on mental illnesses, if I have a mental disease, you shouldn't call me a “MORON” or say that I have “half a brain.”  That's just not cool, regardless of your political affiliation.  You don't make fun of or take advantage of someone's disability.  On this note, it is incredibly insensitive of you to lessen the impact, significance or damage of mental diseases by equating them with a political philosophy.
Where's the compassionate conservatism I've heard so much about?

Friday, July 16, 2004

Who would Osama vote for?

I was perusing the Drudge Report today when I saw an advertisement for a t-shirt made by Authentic The shirt said:
Their website, as part of the pitch for their 100% pre-shrunk cotton shirt, said "After all whom would Osama vote for?"

Ok, here's that reason coming into play again...if the terrorists (including Bin Laden) were to vote, they would vote for President Bush in a heartbeat. Nothing would be better for their cause than having Bush serve another 4 years dividing the world, pissing off the "animals" and waging pre-emptive war.

Why, pray tell, would they vote for the candidate with a level-headed foreign policy? What that f***!

Comments Gone Wild - Uncensored

So, My 2 Cents won't allow comments on his blog.  He said:

First and foremost, mad props go out to my fan (or fans) who have hit "the 3rd cent" with comments.  Keep them coming.  To answer a few e-mails, no I will not be allowing comments on this blog.  At least not right now.  I don't think that it would help with a free exchange of ideas, as the liberals would fill the comment sections with their psyco babble...

I also offer "mad props" for anyone (not just "fans" of My 2 Cents) who comments on my blog.
As an effort to truly aid the free exchange of ideas (both liberal psycho babble and conservative nonsense), I will not edit any comments made on this blog.  Furthermore, if you read the post Historic and Sacred, you will see two comments which I deleted.  That was a mistake.
In the spirit of free speech, here is the first comment...restored uncensored and uncut (the second comment asked me to delete the first one):
conservativesRgood said...

Thank You Larry Craig and Mike Crapo for fighting the good fight. If Gays are allowed to get married then why get married in the first place?????

What is the reason to get married now????

I know Hank is Gay...for now at least.  If Gay is something you are born with then you shouldn't become straight right????

Yet there are several people who have been gay that is now straight.
I look forward to reading comments in response to this post.

You forgot the reason...

I'm going to focus this post on the "uniter" aspects of My 2 Cent's apparent stab at reason.

John Kerry, by talking in the campaign about "two Americas," is not dividing the nation.  He (and John Edwards) are simply reminding people of the American Bush, Cheney and other Republicans have conveniently ignored.  (Here comes the reason...)  By talking about the "two Americas," the Democrats are pledging to help bring the "other" America up out of their abject poverty and subjugation.  It means uniting ALL Americans behind a single purpose; to leave no citizen behind.

So, Democrats are the party of division because we "give labels to people..."Mexican American", "African American", "Arab American"?"  I would think conservative labels of "Wetback Migrant Moocher," "Coon Boy Felon," and "Towelhead Animal Evildoer" are a bit more divisive.  Oh, and let's not forget the other conservative oldies-but-goodies: "Queer Fag Sodomite," "Mass-Murder Feminazi Super Bitch," and "Pea Soup Drinking Frog Leg Eating Frenchie."

The reason behind John Kerry's  statement regarding the Voting Rights Act and African American voting is simple...the majority of felons with voting restrictions are African America.  You know why that is?  Because African Americans make up a large portion of the "other America."  They don't have access to the same education, carrier and life opportunities as "this America."  Furthermore, the laws in the United States (read my post on mandatory minimums) are racist and punish black criminals harder than white criminals.  Even with common sense that adds up.
Finally, let's not forget that President G.W. Bush is the FIRST president since Herbert Hoover to not attend a NAACP conference during his presidency.  That's a distinction all Republicans can get behind.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Gotta Love that Common Sense

My 2 Cents wrote one of the most brilliant posts ever yesterday. It's so brilliant, it bears repeating. Here it is:
* Hillary Rodham Rodham has her fem-nazi panties in a twist after being given only a walk on roll at the 2004 DNC Anti-Bush orgy. The Democrat chairman from New York (Hillary's "home state") is upset calling it a "disgrace". Read the full story here.
Let's analyze that post, shall we? First, My 2 Cents misspells the name of the junior senator from New York. Her name is Hillary Rodham Clinton, not Hillary Rodham Rodham. Secondly, if you actually read the AP article he references, the lead sentence says:

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - The former chairwoman of the New York State Democratic Party on Wednesday called it "a total outrage" and "very stupid" that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has not been offered a prominent speaking role at the Democratic National Convention.

from 'Outrage' Over Sen. Clinton Not Speaking

Huh, that's interesting. No where does it say that Senator Clinton herself is upset or "has her panties in a twist". No where does it say the "Democrat chairman from New York" is upset. No where does it call Senator Clinton's absence from speaking a "disgrace."

It says the "former chairwoman" of the New York Democratic Party is upset and calls it "a total outrage" and "very stupid".

My 2 Cents, I'm glad you are citing your sources and trying to curb your plagiarist ways, but it makes you seem really stupid (even to someone with common sense) to cite a source and still get the information wrong...

Master Debaters

The Commission on Presidential Debates has announced the proposed dates and locations of this year's Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates. Here is the schedule:


First Presidential Debate
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL
Thursday, September 30
(focus on domestic policy and issues)
Second Presidential Debate
Washington University in St. Louis
St. Louis, MO
Friday, October 8
(town hall format for undecided voters on any issue)
Third Presidential Debate
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ
Wednesday, October 13
(focus on foreign policy and issues)
Vice Presidential Debate
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, OH
Tuesday, October 5
(focus on any issue)

We will all have to wait until September 30th to find out if G.W. Bush or John Kerry is the bigger "master debater."

As always, the Democratic candidate has already approved the debate schedule. In every presidential election year since 1980, the Democratic candidate has approved the debates before their Republican opponent...and John Kerry has continued that trend.

Come on President Bush. We won't lower or raise our expectations of your debating skills if you wait another month. Approve the debates now!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Official RNC Convention Program

Here it is my got it here is the official program and schedule of events to the 2004 Republican National Convention! Set to take place one day and one day only...courtesy of Dissident

6:00 PM - Opening Prayer, led by the Reverend Jerry Falwell
6:30 PM - Pledge of Allegiance
6:35 PM - Burning of Bill of Rights (excluding 2nd amendment)
6:45 PM - Salute to the Coalition of the Willing
6:46 PM - Seminar #1 "Getting your kid a military deferment"
7:30 PM - First Presidential Beer Bong
7:35 PM - Serve Freedom Fries
7:40 PM - EPA Address #1: "Mercury, it's what's for dinner"
8:00 PM - Vote on which country to invade next
8:10 PM - Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh
8:15 PM - John Ashcroft Lecture: "The Homos are after your children"
8:30 PM - Round table discussion on reproductive rights (MEN only)
8:50 PM - Seminar #2 "Corporations: The government of the future"
9:00 PM - Condi Rice sings "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man"
9:05 PM - Second Presidential Beer Bong
9:10 PM - EPA Address #2 "Trees: The real cause of forest fires"
9:30 PM - Break for secret meetings
10:00 PM - Second prayer, led by Cal Thomas
10:15 PM - Lecture by Carl Rove: "Doublespeak made easy"
10:30 PM - Rumsfeld demonstration of how to squint and talk macho
10:35 PM - Bush demonstration of trademark "deer in headlights" stare.
10:40 PM - John Ashcroft demonstrates new mandatory kevlar chastity belt
10:45 PM - Clarence Thomas reads list of black republicans
10:46 PM - Third Presidential Beer Bong
10:50 PM - Seminar #3 "Education: a drain on our nation's economy"
11:10 PM - Hilary Clinton Piñata
11:20 PM - Second Lecture by John Ashcroft: "Evolutionists: The dangerous new cult"
11:30 PM - Call EMTs to revive Rush Limbaugh again.
11:35 PM - Blame Clinton
11:40 PM - Laura serves milk and cookies
11:50 PM - Closing Prayer, led by Jesus Himself
12:00 AM - Nomination of George W. Bush as Holy Supreme Planetary Overlord

Unlike my conservative counterpart at My 2 Cents, I'm not taking credit for a schedule I didn't come up with. Props go out to Dissident and their fine staff.

12 votes down

The Federal Marriage Amendment died in the Senate today, it fell 12 votes short of the 60 required to end debate and move the amendment to an up or down vote. The best arguments I heard during the debate (besides the ones I've made) are as follows...

Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona said:
The constitutional amendment we're debating today strikes me as antithetical in every way to the core philosophy of Republicans. It usurps from the states a fundamental authority they have always possessed and imposes a federal remedy for a problem that most states do not believe confronts them.
Senator Tom Daschle, Democrat of North Dakota said:
In 217 years, we've only amended that sacred document 17 times. There have been 11,000 separate attempts. No urgent need exists to amend the Constitution now.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


I'm amazed that the author of My 2 Cents suddenly has interest in the well being of the people of Massachusetts and North Carolinians. He said in his blog today:
...both Kerry and Edwards need to resign their Senate seats. They are doing the citizens of their state a great disservice by flying all over the country running for an office they can't win. Message to the John's -- have some integrity and do the right thing, resign.
Well, I don't think they know why? BECAUSE IT'S STUPID and it proves how narrow minded conservatives (at least the My 2 Cents variety) are.

In 2000, Senator Lieberman did not resign from his post as Senator for the state of Connecticut, to the benefit of Connecticut. Then Governor G.W. Bush of Texas did not resign as Governor until the end of December 2000. Did the Gov. do a disservice to Texans?


I encourage comments on my posts, I think they aid the free exchange of ideas and beliefs, and that's in everyone's benefit. As part of that free exchange, i would like to reply to the weird or stupid things people have commented on...

A comment was made on my post "Fair and Balanced" Media Hard at Work:

The anonymous commenter said the Kerry/Edwards plane was not a Boeing 767 but a Boeing 747. First of all, I was incorrect, the Kerry/Edwards plane is not a 767, but a 757-200. Second, a Boeing 747 is nothing like the Kerry/Edwards plane (Air Force One is a 747 as you can see in one of my posts, Freedom Bird)
Here is a profile of a Boeing 757-200:

Here is a profile of a Boeing 747:

Finally, here is a profile of a Boeing 767:
We were both wrong but I was closer, so there.
One other comment was made on by the author of theANTILiberalBlog 10th Cent on the post Historic and Sacred.
Apparently, the only reason heterosexuals got married in the past was because homosexuals couldn't get married. Huh. This is what he said:
"Thank You Larry Craig and Mike Crapo for fighting the good fight. If Gays are allowed to get married then why get married in the first place?????

What is the reason to get married now????"
I hope I am inferring the wrong things out of that quote...please let me be wrong.

Ain't Nothing Wrong with This Either

I may still think he's an awful President and a kooky guy, but he sure has another good looking daughter (even if she does campaign for him too)...

Monday, July 12, 2004

and the walls came crashing down...

The 594 prisoners being held at Camp Delta, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba were notified today that they may legally challenge their status as "enemy combatants" and their detention overall in an American court or a military "Combatant Status Review Tribunal".

The day the author of My 2 Cents has been fearing is at hand...the "animals" have rights.

Friday, July 09, 2004

Ain't Nothing Wrong with This

I may think he's an awful President and a kooky guy, but he sure has a good looking daughter (even if she does campaign for him)...

Historic and Sacred

Idaho Senators Mike Crapo and Larry Craig became co-sponsors of the Federal Marriage Amendment this week. Both senators claim they aren't discriminating against same-sex couples, they are simply clarifying marriage. Are they kidding?

Of course this amendment is discriminatory. How else do you define its intent? We're taking a category of people and saying you're being denied marriage benefits, not because you don't deserve them or haven't earned them, it's because you're beneath them.

Besides, if marriage is such a "historic and sacred" institution, it wouldn't require defining...right? Marriage, like most aspects of our society, has changed and should change to fit the times. Government-based discrimination is not acceptable. Protection of a "historic and sacred" institution does not take precedence over equal rights.

Senator Crapo says that the amendment still allows states to create civil unions if they so choose. Here's is the proposed Federal Marriage Amendment:
Marriage in the United States shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman.
No government "shall be construed to required...the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman." I don't know what Senator Crapo was reading, but that seems to outlaw civil unions quite specifically.

Even if the Federal Marriage Amendment allowed civil unions to be created by states, it would still be discrimination of massive proportions. Marriage is about to become the 21st century example of "separate but equal." It was wrong in 1950 and it's wrong in 2004.

The vote in the senate on the Federal Marriage Amendment is scheduled for next week. Please e-mail Senator Craig and Senator Crapo and tell them it is unacceptable for them to sponsor and favor subjugating a group of Americans. Here are their contact sites:
Senator Larry Craig
Senator Mike Crapo

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Speaking about "equal opportunity and equal rights for all Americans"

Nothing like letting your actions speak louder than words...

President Bush declined an invitation to speak at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People conference this weekend. This isn't new; President Bush has declined invitations in each year of his presidency. By doing so, President Bush becomes the first president since Herbert Hoover never to attend the NAACP conference at least once during his term.

You know something, when I think of presidents I would like to be associated with, I think of Herbert Hoover.

Doing the right thing, Senator John Kerry has accepted an invitation to speak at the conference.

In the White House's explanation for the president's snub of the NAACP, White House spokesperson Jim Morrell said that the president has spoken about "equal opportunity and equal rights for all Americans" in many public places. Well, that makes a huge difference. What can I say; you can always count on President Bush to be compassionate.


210-210 was the vote count on an attempt to repeal sections of the USA PATRIOT Act today. Here's what the AP was reporting about the vote:
The Republican-led House bowed to a White House veto threat Thursday and stood by the USA Patriot Act, defeating an effort to block the part of the anti-terrorism law that helps the government investigate people's reading habits.

The effort to defy Bush and bridle the law's powers lost by 210-210, with a majority needed to prevail. The amendment appeared on its way to victory as the roll call's normal 15-minute time limit expired, but Republican leaders kept the vote open for about 20 more minutes as they persuaded about 10 Republicans who initially supported the provision to change their votes.

The measure had been pushed by a coalition of Democrats and conservative Republicans. But they fell short in a showdown that came just four months before an election in which the conduct of the fight against terrorism will be on the political agenda.
The effort was led by Rep. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and our very own Rep. Butch Otter of the Idaho first. I applaud their effort and boo the political wrangling done by the Republican leadership in the house.

Instead of letting the representatives vote their conscience, they forced around 10 to stick their heads up President Bush's ass and fondle Attorney General Ashcroft's “groinal” region. Good for them!

You can read my earlier policy post about the USA PATRIOT Act here.

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

"Fair and Balanced" Media Hard at Work

Mad props go out to the New York Post, which is owned by the "the parent company of this network [FOX News Channel]" for their intuitive reporting:
It's all the more embarrassing when you consider the Kerry/Edwards people knew about the planned pick for Vice President long enough to paint it on the side of their Boeing 767...
It can be hard to be accurate while you're trying to be "fair and balanced"...

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Esto Perpetua

Happy Statehood Day to all Idahoans.

You can check out more more information about the Gem State here.

And now (if you want) the Idaho State Song:
And Here We Have Idaho

You’ve heard of the wonders our land does possess,
Its beautiful valleys and hills.
The majestic forests where nature abounds,
We love every nook and rill.

And here we have Idaho,
Winning her way to fame.
Silver and gold in the sunlight blaze,
And romance lies in her name.

Singing, we’re singing of you,
Ah, proudly too. All our lives thru,
We’ll go singing, singing of you,
Singing of Idaho.

Thursday, July 01, 2004


Finally, after years of inequality in the world of "Girls Gone Wild" videos and DVDs, the sex barrier has been broken.

Hail and Behold the following triumph of equal rights:
(1/5th of "cents" blog authors would like this DVD - don't ask or assume which one...)